Now available: RACC’s 2013 annual report

PORTLAND, OR — Today the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) released its annual report for 2013. This year’s report, designed entirely as an online experience, is available at It includes highlights of RACC’s activities last year in service to artists and arts organizations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties.
Among the organization’s accomplishments in 2013:
  • RACC advanced its equity and inclusion work by developing new funding opportunities for culturally-specific communities, and providing more equity resources for RACC-funded organizations.
  • RACC raised over $444,000 in earned income and nearly $700,000 in private sector contributions – including corporate donations, foundation grants, and workplace giving contributions.  
  • RACC maintained low management and general expenses, at 11.5%.
  • RACC awarded $3.3 million to artists, arts organizations and schools. Seventy-four citizen volunteers participated in the grant review process last year.
  • The Right Brain Initiative is now serving more than 14,000 students at 49 schools in six districts across the region.
  • RACC completed several large-scale public art projects last year, including Inversion: Plus/Minus and Streetcar Stop for Portland, as well as several smaller projects and four community murals.

RACC will present this report formally to Portland City Council at its annual “State of the Arts” presentation this spring, tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, April 23rd. For more information, contact Jeff Hawthorne at; 503-823-5258.