2007 Economic Impact Report
Every day, nonprofit arts and culture organizations are making Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties more desirable places to live and work. They provide inspiration and enjoyment to residents, beautify shared public places, and strengthen the social fabric. Increasingly, we are becoming aware that there are very real economic benefits in addition to these intrinsic values. Arts & Economic Prosperity III describes these benefits, and proves that that the nonprofit arts and culture industry is also an economic driver that supports jobs, generates government revenue, and is a cornerstone of tourism.
In 2006, 111 local nonprofit arts and culture organizations helped RACC and NW/BCA conduct this study. These organizations pay their employees, purchase supplies, contract for services, and acquire assets from within our community. Total spending by the participating organizations in FY05-06 was $166.73 million.
These organizations’ audiences generate additional event-related spending for local merchants such as restaurants, retail stores, hotels, and parking garages. In 2006, audiences spent more than $151.5 million above and beyond the cost of admission.
Combined, this nonprofit arts and culture sector represents a $318.26 million industry in the Portland metropolitan area, one that supports 10,321 full-time equivalent jobs, generates $206.67 million in household income, and delivers $27.12 million in local and state government revenue.
Economic Impact Calculator for Individual Arts Organizations