The RACC Professional Development Grant Program supports individual artists and arts organizations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties with activities that improve their business management development skills and/or brings to them to another level artistically. 22 Professional Development Grants were awarded for Individual Artists and 5 for Organizations. A total of $33,310 was awarded. These grants were approved by the RACC Board on December 17, 2014:
Christopher Bennett, Attend Photolucida portfolio review in Portland, $1,200
Jennifer Camp, Study Franklin Methon in Toronto, $1,200
Carolyn Campbell, Consulting in Adobe Lightroom with C. Bennett and online marketing with C.J. Hayden,$1,200
Mark Allen Cunningham, Attend AWP conference in Minneapolis, $1,200
Colin Cushman, Attend Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators conference in NYC, $1,200
Kaila Farrell-Smith, Caldera artist residency, $1,200
Anne Greenwood, Attend CODEX Book Fair and Symposium in San Francisco, $1,143
Leah Hugon, Learn specialized skill in plexiglass cutting, $900
Aaron Flint Jamison, Show at Zentrum gallery of ETH University in Zurich, Switzerland, $1,200
Kathie Kerler, Professionally designed website, $1,100
Beth Kerschen, Learn Direct to Plate platemaking technique, $1,615
Joanne Kollman, Attend the 2015 National Portrait Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, $900
Dave Mowry, Take classes in improve and comedy writing at Brody Comedy Theater, $900
Karen Munro, Attend the 2015 Vortext Institute at Hedgebrook, on Whidbey Island WA, $1,280
David Oates, Vermont Studio Center artist residency, $974
Grace Peters, Haukijärvi, Finland based artist residency, $1,200
Claudia Savage, Design logo for new duo Thrum, $750
Crystal Schenk, Develop public art portfolio website for collaboration with S. Davis, $1,500
Marie Sivak, Speak at Momentum: Women/Art/Technology show at Rutgers U. in New Jersey, $750
Amanda Sledz, Attend AWP conference in Minneapolis, $900
Alexis Smith, Professionally designed website, $1,648
Joan Szymko, Booth at the American Choral Director’s Association conference in Salt Lake City, $2,000
Age and Gender Equity (A.G.E.) in the Arts, Professionally designed website, $1,500
Creative Music Guild, Consultant George Thorn, $1,500
Cymaspace, Professionally designed website, $1,750
Dance Wire, Attend Dance USA conference in Miami, FL, $1,750
Hand2Mouth, Logo, website design, and marketing for Shout House venue, $850