2014-15 RACC Professional Development Grants (Cycle 2)

The RACC Professional Development Grant Program supports individual artists and arts organizations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties with activities that improve their business management development skills and/or brings to them to another level artistically. 22 Professional Development Grants were awarded for Individual Artists and 5 for Organizations. A total of $33,310 was awarded. These grants were approved by the RACC Board on December 17, 2014:


Christopher Bennett, Attend Photolucida portfolio review in Portland, $1,200

Jennifer Camp, Study Franklin Methon in Toronto, $1,200

Carolyn  Campbell, Consulting in Adobe Lightroom with C. Bennett and online marketing with C.J. Hayden,$1,200

Mark Allen Cunningham, Attend AWP conference in Minneapolis, $1,200

Colin Cushman, Attend Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators conference in NYC, $1,200

Kaila Farrell-Smith, Caldera artist residency, $1,200

Anne Greenwood, Attend CODEX Book Fair and Symposium in San Francisco, $1,143

Leah Hugon, Learn specialized skill in plexiglass cutting, $900

Aaron Flint Jamison, Show at Zentrum gallery of ETH University in Zurich, Switzerland, $1,200

Kathie Kerler, Professionally designed website, $1,100

Beth Kerschen, Learn Direct to Plate platemaking technique, $1,615

Joanne Kollman, Attend the 2015 National Portrait Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, $900

Dave Mowry, Take classes in improve and comedy writing at Brody Comedy Theater, $900

Karen Munro, Attend the 2015 Vortext Institute at Hedgebrook, on Whidbey Island WA, $1,280

David Oates, Vermont Studio Center artist residency, $974

Grace Peters, Haukijärvi, Finland based artist residency, $1,200

Claudia Savage, Design logo for new duo Thrum, $750

Crystal Schenk, Develop public art portfolio website for collaboration with S. Davis, $1,500

Marie Sivak, Speak at Momentum: Women/Art/Technology show at Rutgers U. in New Jersey, $750

Amanda Sledz, Attend AWP conference in Minneapolis, $900

Alexis Smith, Professionally designed website, $1,648

Joan Szymko, Booth at the American Choral Director’s Association conference in Salt Lake City, $2,000



Age and Gender Equity (A.G.E.) in the Arts, Professionally designed website, $1,500

Creative Music Guild, Consultant George Thorn, $1,500

Cymaspace, Professionally designed website, $1,750

Dance Wire, Attend Dance USA conference in Miami, FL, $1,750

Hand2Mouth, Logo, website design, and marketing for Shout House venue, $850