On Thursday, April 21st at 2:00 p.m., arts advocates will gather at Portland City Hall for RACC’s annual “State of the Arts” presentation to Portland City Council. The event is designed to demonstrate the impacts of the city’s investments in arts and culture through RACC. The event is free and open to the public, and we encourage you to attend!
RACC has celebrated several milestones since our last report to City Council, including the 35th anniversary of percent-for-art programs in Portland, and the 10th anniversary of Work for Art. A summary of other accomplishments and all grants awarded in the past year can be found in RACC’s year-end report for 2015.
Notwithstanding these accomplishments, public funding for arts and culture in Portland is at a critical juncture. The voter-approved Arts Education & Access Fund (or arts tax) has created enough revenue to guarantee at least one art or music teacher for every elementary school in Portland, but has not yet delivered on its promise to provide 5% funding for general operating support organizations, and only a fraction of the envisioned funds are available for expanding arts access for every Portland resident. Also, Mayor Hales has asked all bureaus and city partners (such as RACC) to budget for a 5% cut in FY17, which would certainly impact the arts community that are working hard to grow Portland’s creative economy, enhance our children’s education, and improve the quality of life for every Portland resident.
We invite artists, arts administrators, arts educators and arts advocates from every corner of the city (and beyond!) to join us for this special gathering. Please help us fill council chambers for a discussion with our elected officials about the importance of public investments in the arts, and the impact that arts and culture can have in our communities. Portland City Hall is fully accessible for people with disabilities, and interpretation services are available upon request.
“State of the Arts:” RACC’s annual presentation to Portland City Council
Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.
Portland City Hall, 1211 SW 4th Avenue