Help Stop Cuts to the Arts in Oregon

Issued by the Oregon Cultural Advocacy Coalition on May 4, 2017

We need your help. While legislators work to address budget and revenue challenges, the relatively small budget for the Oregon Arts Commission faces substantial cuts. Current proposed cuts to the commission’s budget of 12% could result in reduced funding in grants for arts organizations of up to 30 percent. Proposals at the federal level to eliminate funding for cultural agencies in FY18 could result in crippling shortfalls in state funding and direct grants to arts, public broadcasting and the humanities. The potential adoption of these federal proposals, combined with potential cuts at the state level, places arts and culture in Oregon at grave risk.

We are asking advocates to use the link below to send a message to their legislators immediately, to ask that they work with their colleagues to restore funding to the Arts Commission and protect Oregon culture.

Thank you for taking the time to act now.

Click the link below to log in and send your message: