RACC’s Search Committee has spent the past two weeks researching executive search firms and creating a new RFP describing our search needs.
Today, we issued an RFP to a short-list of 6 executive search firms. Proposals are due August 16th, and we expect to have a firm hired by end of the month.
We expect to post the job description and start accepting applications in early September.
We have been further polishing our job description to capture the incredible opportunity we see for a new RACC ED who has the experience, passion and vision to bring people together and ensure that the Arts move with the social, political and economic forces shaping our region.
Former RACC Board Chair Carole Morse has resigned from the committee. We wish to thank her for her excellent contributions.
We would like to thank the community for its continued input and support.
Please email edsearch@racc.org to send questions, feedback or ideas to the search committee.