Request for Qualifications – Art in Public Places Opportunity

University of Oregon, Heritage Project, Eugene, OR

The Oregon Arts Commission is accepting qualifications from artists or artist teams for Percent for Art in Public Places opportunities at the University of Oregon’s Heritage Project, in Eugene, Oregon. The Heritage Project includes the full renovation and restoration of both historic University Hall and Villard Hall, to create sustainable, innovative and flexible spaces that support general studies and the Departments of Mathematics, Theatre Arts and Cinema Studies. University and Villard Halls are the two founding buildings of the University of Oregon. Together, along with the surrounding grounds, the buildings are designated a National Historic Landmark site.

Submission Deadline: 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Monday, March 18, 2024

Eligibility: Open to all professional artists and artist teams residing in the United States. Artists from the Pacific Northwest and those who are from traditionally or currently underserved communities including (but not limited to) rural communities and communities of color are especially encouraged to apply.

Budget: The total anticipated art budget for the project is $486,000, which will be allocated to three commissions at three different locations. The budget for an exterior commission will be $300,000; for the interior of Villard Hall, $116,000; and for the interior of University Hall, $70,000. These budgets include artist fees, materials, fabrication, insurance, shipping, travel, installation, documentation and any other project costs.

About the University and Heritage Project Buildings

The University of Oregon is located on Kalapuya Ilihi (Cal-uh-POO-yuh ILLihee), the traditional indigenous homeland of the Kalapuya people. Following treaties between 1851 and 1855, Kalapuya people were dispossessed of their indigenous homeland by the United States government and forcibly removed to the Coast Reservation in Western Oregon.

Today, descendants are citizens of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde (rond) Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz (suhLETZ) Indians of Oregon, and continue to make important contributions in their communities, at UO, across the land we now refer to as Oregon, and around the world.

The University of Oregon was physically established in 1876 with the completion of its first building – University Hall (formerly known as Deady Hall). University Hall was originally built as a multi-purpose classroom building including a 600-occupant assembly hall on the third floor. It retains its iconic presence on the campus and is functionally vital as much needed classroom and Department of Mathematics office and instruction space. The building has been renovated multiple times, including the 1914 addition of two mezzanine floors between existing floors and the 1952 alteration of those mezzanines and complete interior remodel. University Hall is a National Historic Landmark structure and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria A and C.

Construction of Villard Hall soon followed with completion in 1886, adding to the presence of the University with now two prominent, iconic buildings. Villard Hall was originally built as offices for administration and staff, classrooms and a large thousand occupant auditorium. Following renovation, Villard Hall will house the departments of Cinema Studies and Theatre Arts. It has also undergone multiple renovations and no longer has much of the original interior character. Of particular note was a 1949 complete interior remodel that included adding a third floor to Villard Hall and the addition of Robinson Theater, butting against and obscuring the building’s west side. Villard Hall is also a National Historic Landmark structure and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places also under Criteria A and C.

Themes, Goals and Values for the Art

The Heritage Project considers layers of time and that which is valued through cycles of change over many generations. It embodies a circle of life, decay, and renewal; integrating
historic and contemporary to inspire a thoughtful convergence of tradition and innovation. The art selection committee has identified potential themes, goals and values for artists to
consider. They are:

  • sense of place, both on campus and within the larger global context;
  • creative process and development, embrace of experimentation;
  • inclusive of the academic community of UO and diverse communities;
  • move forward into the future, while being thoughtful about the deep history of place. (These buildings will be both the oldest and newest buildings on the University of Oregon campus);

Art Locations

There are 3 art zones for the University of Oregon Heritage Project, suggested by the art selection committee. (Images of the art locations are in the final pages of this document)

  1. Exterior: The pedestrian-oriented plaza, pathways and surrounding landscape between University and Villard halls. ($300,000 budget)
  2. Interior Villard Hall: Level 1 Hearth and adjacent long hallway wall, and Level 2 Hearth west and east walls. Other locations may be suggested by artists who are shortlisted to create proposals. ($116,000 budget)
  3. Interior University Hall: Hallways transoms on Levels 1 and 2, as well as the east and west Hearths. Other locations may be suggested by artists who are shortlisted to create proposals. ($70,000 budget)

Selection Process

The selection committee for this project includes university faculty and administrators, arts professionals and the project design team, and is facilitated by Oregon Arts Commission project managers. The committee will review submitted qualifications and select up to three finalists to create concept proposals for each art zone.

The following criteria will be used to select finalists, based on the submitted materials:

  1. Appropriateness of scale, material (including long-term durability), and style of past work as they relate to the project values/goals and site.
  2. Artistic and technical quality of past work, including mastery of skills and techniques, communication of a unique artistic perspective, and/or consistent application of
    professional practices, conceptual framework or use of materials.
  3. Demonstrated ability of the artist to successfully complete artwork with a project timeline, limited budget and input from community stakeholders.

Finalists selected for each zone will create a concept proposal and will receive a design fee of one percent of the commission budget for that zone. Artists selected for the exterior zone will receive a $2,900 fee; for Villard Hall, $1,160, and for University Hall, $700. Travel expenses to attend a site visit and project orientation will be provided in addition to the design fee. The concept proposal will include a brief narrative, description of materials, visual representations of proposed work, estimated budget (including estimates for engineering and permitting) and
timeline. Finalist proposals presentations will take place online with the selection committee

Anticipated Schedule
March 18, 2024 – Submission of qualifications deadline
Early April, 2024 – Finalists notified
April/May, 2024 – Finalist site visit
Mid-June, 2024 – Concept proposal presentations/artist selections
June/July, 2024 – Contracts awarded to selected artists
September, 2024 – Design Development Reviews
October – March, 2025 – Fabrication
End of March, 2025 – Artwork installed and complete

How to Submit Qualifications To be considered for this opportunity, please submit all required materials by 5 p.m. PST on Monday, March 18, 2024. To submit materials, click on the following link:

Then click on “Add Files” and choose “Files from Computer” or drag and drop your files into Dropbox. Please use naming convention requested below so all your files will stay together in the submissions folder.

Artists currently on the Oregon Art in Public Places Artist Roster may use Roster application materials for this opportunity, with the addition of a letter of interest specific to this project. Please email your letter to and indicate that you’d like your Roster materials to be used.

Application Materials

  1. Letter of interest. As a PDF file named with “artist’s last name, first initial, letter” (garciamletter.pdf); limit 1 page.
    • Describe your interest in this project and how your artwork and art-making process would be a good fit for the opportunity. If you are only interested in being considered for a specific zone, please mention that. Otherwise, you will be considered for all three.
    • If you are an established artist emerging into public art, in your letter of interest address the reasons why you believe you are qualified for the opportunity, or the steps you would take to ensure successful completion of an architecturally integrated or large-scale artwork commission.
  2. Resume. PDF format; name file with “artist’s last name, first initial, resume” (garciamresume.pdf); limit 2 pages. For artist teams, include resumes of each team member. Include complete contact information: street address, phone number, email.
  3. Up to 10 Images of Past Work. JPG or PNG format; name files with: “artist’s last name, first initial, number that corresponds to the image information on the image list” (garciam01.jpg). File size: minimum 1200 pixels on the longest side and 5 MB maximum.
  4. Image List. PDF format; name file with “artist’s last name, first initial, list” (garciamlist.pdf); limit 1 page. Provide a description for each image including:
    • Image file name and number, (garciam01).
    • Key details: title, location, cost/budget, date completed, materials, dimensions, commissioning agency (if applicable), project partners (if applicable);
    • Brief description of your vision or conceptual ideas for each artwork.


For questions about the project and the application process, contact Peg Butler, public art coordinator managing the project on behalf of Oregon Arts Commission., 503-928-3565.

The information in this RFQ is available in alternate formats upon request. For more information or assistance with the application process, contact Ryan Burghard, Oregon Arts Commission: or 971-374-3083.

Oregon’s Percent for Art in Public Places Program

Managed by the Oregon Arts Commission, the Percent for Art in Public Places program places art in state buildings and public universities throughout Oregon. The collection, including more than 2,500 works of art, is searchable via Oregon’s Percent for Art in Public Places Collection website.

Context Information and Art Location Plans and Images

Pages 6-18 of the attached:
