Portland Arts Project Grant

Documentation of Arts3C Grant funded Once in A Lifetime: Dead People’s Sheets (Risk/Reward Festival, 2024). Photo by Eric Griswold, courtesy of Grantee Lyndsay Hogland.

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Portland Arts Project Grant Program

Due to changes in our grant programs, RACC is able to offer this City of Portland based program in a single grant cycle for activities happening in 2025.

The Portland Arts Project Grant program is available to support the making and sharing of artistic work and the development of the arts community in Portland, Oregon. Individual artists, arts organizations, arts businesses, and other nonprofits are eligible to apply for grant funding to support arts programs and activities that have community impact. Eligibility is restricted to applicants legally residing or headquartered within the City of Portland service area: https://portlandmaps.com.

Artists and organizations can apply to support artistic projects, including programming, presentations, events, or artistic development that results in sharing your learning or activity with the public. You will be asked to clearly explain what you need grant funding to support, and then make the case for how the public investment of the grant will impact both you and the community.

When applying for a Portland Arts Project Grant, you may submit only one application for consideration in the grant cycle. Applicants can be listed as collaborators or participants within the applications of other eligible applicants, as long as the proposed activities are for a different project. Applicants will select their request level ($1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 or $5,000) and the application questions will increase with the requested amount.

Grant awards are based on funds available, panel rankings, and RACC’s work to increase investment in under-represented communities.

  • Grant applications for 2025 activities have passed. Grant awards listed here and announced here
  • Due to changes in our grant programs, RACC is offering this program in a single grant cycle in FY25 (i.e. there will be no spring deadline).
  • Read the full Portland Arts Project Grant Program guidelines for the FY25 cycle (PDF).
  • Download the Portland Arts Project Grant FAQ here or find the answers to frequently asked questions below.
  • A recorded info session is available here
  • Announcements for future grant program cycles will be made in our newsletter and on social media.

For recent grantees, link to the Grant Administration Guide and reach out to grants@racc.org with your questions.

Click on the Portland Arts Project Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions below:

Q: What does the Portland Arts Project grant support?

A: This grant program supports artistic projects by artists and organizations, including programming, presentations, events, or artistic development that results in sharing your learning or activity with the public. Applicants will be asked to clearly explain what they need grant funding to support, and then make the case for how the public investment of the grant will impact both them and the community. This grant is slightly different from our previous Arts3C program in that you will be asked to discuss a specific project as part of your request.

Q: Who can apply?

A: RACC will accept applications from individual artists, arts organizations, arts or other businesses, or other nonprofit organizations who are working on art projects. We will accept applications to this grant from schools. You must be headquartered/legally residing in the City of Portland service area: https://portlandmaps.com. General Operating Support arts organizations and arts students are not eligible. Applicants with a current open grant with RACC can fill out an application, but their Final Report must be submitted in order to be awarded a new grant. Further eligibility is outlined in the guidelines.

Q: Are Clackamas County and Washington County residents eligible to apply? What about Multnomah County residents outside of Portland?

A: No, Clackamas County, Washington County, and East Multnomah County residents and organizations headquartered in those counties are not eligible due to lack of available funds. This program is only for the City of Portland.

Q: To be clear, does my organization need to have 501(c)3 status to be eligible to apply?

A: No. IRS 501(c)3 status is NOT required. However, if you are applying as an organization or a business, please verify in your Applicant Eligibility Profile how you are organized and be
prepared to provide a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). RACC makes grant awards to nonprofits, Limited Liability Companies (LLC), partnerships, and other legally organized entities, in addition to individuals.

Q: What if I don’t have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and I’m not legally organized?

A: Individual artists are welcome to create an account and apply on behalf of a collective or organized project that does not have its own FEIN. The applicant artist would write about the work of the collective and the collaborators within the application, but accept the grant funds as income to their Social Security Number and be responsible for the administration.

Q: Can I apply if I have an open RACC grant?

A: Applicants with open RACC grants, including Project, Professional Development, Make|Learn|Build, or Arts3C grants, are not eligible to receive a new award until your activity and reporting on past grants is complete. You may start and submit a new application, but if final reports on open grants are not submitted by the completion of the Portland Arts Project Grant panel process, the applicant will not receive a new award.

Q: Can I apply for a grant AND be a Community Reviewer for the panels at the same time?

A: No. You may apply to be a Community Reviewer, if that role interests you. If you are hired as a Community Reviewer, you will not be eligible to apply for your own grant while under contract. If you are not hired, you are welcome to apply with your own grant proposal in a future cycle, and if you are hired as a Community Reviewer, you will be eligible for future RACC grant opportunities after your contract is complete. If you have an open grant with RACC, you are welcome to apply to be a Community Panel Reviewer.

Q: If I apply in a higher request category, could I potentially be awarded less than I request?

A: No. For this Portland Arts Project Grant cycle, if you receive a grant, it will be for the full amount that you have requested.

Q: Can I apply for a project that was funded by RACC with a previous grant?

A: Yes, if you have completed the previously funded activity or phase, finished all your required reporting, you are welcome to apply for a RACC grant for the next phase.

Q: Can I partner or work with folx outside of the region?

A: Yes, the applicant/grantee must legally reside or be headquartered in the City of Portland service area: https://portlandmaps.com, but you can hire or work with artists, vendors, or other contributors from all over.

Q: What is public engagement?

A: For many artistic projects or disciplines, this is the final presentation of the artwork with an audience or community. This can a formal performance, screening, exhibition, or other way to share the work with an audience. Some projects engage with community as participants, such as students or arts learners, and the public engagement would be the ongoing work with community without the need for a formal final presentation. Public engagement can be a plan to share work through online or digital means, but the plan for distribution should be specific.

Q: What is the grant award cycle?

A: The applicant will define the start date and end date of their proposed opportunity. The end date should be after the grant award announcements are planned as noted in the guidelines and on the RACC website. The award announcement date is essentially the beginning of the grant award cycle.

Q: When do I have to use the funds by?

A: If you receive a grant, you will receive the full amount after you submit your Grant Agreement and financial documentation. You need to claim the funds within one year of the award, or the grant will be forfeit.

There is no requirement for using the claimed grant funds within a calendar year or any specific time period, as long as you stay in communication with RACC. You should submit your Final Report when the activity is complete. We recommend that you submit your report within 45 days of finishing your activity, but there is no deadline for your activity or end of a “grant cycle”. Instead, please keep in mind that you will be issued a 1099-NEC at the end of the calendar year in which you claim the grant funds, so keep track of your expenses for tax purposes and note that you will not be eligible for future grant awards until your activity is complete and your Final Report is submitted.

Q: How many times can someone apply? Is there a limit?

A: You can submit one application in a grant cycle. If you receive a Portland Arts Project Grant, you will not be able to apply again within a year. One grant per year per applicant. If you are not selected for a grant, you are welcome to apply for the same or different activity in a future cycle. There is no limit to the number of times you can apply for a RACC grant. Starting Fall 2024, there will be only be one grant cycle annually.

Q: When will the next grant cycle open?

A: The upcoming grant cycle will open in late August 2024, with applications due on October 23, 2024 by 5pm PST. This cycle is to fund activities starting in January 2025. There will not be another grant cycle in Spring 2025. The next possible grant cycle will not open until Fall 2025.

Q: What should I consider with the Request Categories I select?

A: You can mark as many Request Categories to “tag” your application for consideration in different groups for paneling. This includes both discipline specific elements of a proposal and general categories. For example, a Media Arts Film/Video proposal would select either Live Screening or Digital Distribution, or all multiple request tags if they are all part of the proposal. These will be used to group applications into panels that address the same elements in their proposals, so select the categories that represent your work and connect with your proposal. The more categories that you select, the less likely you will be grouped with the applications that make the most sense.

Q: Do I need to have a Working Title for my proposal?

A: Yes. The Working Title for a project can change in the future. If your grant request is for an opportunity or investment without a title, please title your request with the activity itself.

Q: What assistance is available to grant applicants?

A: The RACC Grants Team is on reduced work schedule in 2024, but we are working to answer questions and support applicants throughout the process. RACC Team members will pre-record a Grant Info Session in early September and post to YouTube with a link from the Grant web page. Frequently Asked Questions will be addressed on the web page as well. Contact us at grants@racc.org with your specific questions about the application or the process, or to request Technical Support for the RACC Opportunity Portal, Translation Services and Language Support, Accessibility and ADA accommodation requests.

Q: The RACC Opportunity Portal will not let me access this program or submit.

A: Technology has glitches. If you notice anything acting differently than expected, please first check to make sure you are using a compatible browser that is up to date (Chrome is preferred, Firefox and MS Edge work smoothly, Safari and Internet Explorer are not supported). Next, make sure that you are using the correct account and your Applicant Profile is up-to-date. Not every grant program is open to all applicants based on criteria you have entered in your profile, and many applicants have inadvertently created more than one account, as well. Finally, make sure you have submitted all Final Reports for past grants. If you haven’t found a user error, send us an email at grants@racc.org and we’ll try to sort out the issue for you and other users.

Q: Can I apply for a grant from MusicOregon and Friends of IFCC to support the same project as the RACC application?

A: This year, the City’s Office of Arts and Culture is partnering with three local arts service providers – Friends of IFCC, MusicOregon, and RACC – to award $1,360,000 in small grants to artists and organizations. Grantseekers may apply to more than one of the city’s arts service providers, but may not receive more than $5,000 total from all three partners combined in 2024-25. For more information, visit portland.gov/arts-grants

All applicants are welcome to contact RACC Grants Team at grants@racc.org if you have questions about your application or need assistance with the application process.

RACC Grants Team:

  • Ingrid Carlson – icarlson@racc.org
  • Yaelle Amir – yamir@racc.org