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“Seeking Warmth” Exhibit and Events

Deadline March 29, 2025

Seeking Warmth aims to explore humanity’s need for emotional and physical warmth, especially during times of extreme circumstances such as those caused by genocide, war, oppression and neglect. Ceija Stojka (1933-2013) was a child survivor of the Romani Holocaust (Samudaripen) who began sharing her experiences in written and painted format in 1988 at age 55. She is recognized as a bold activist of Roma, who continue to face persecution today. Sam Marroquin works in collage and paint to expose current and historical trauma within society, emphasizing systems that mask the atrocities against humanity. Daniel Baker examines the role of artistic practice as a form of social agency with a focus on Roma aesthetics.

Join us for the opening reception on March 7 from 4-8pm and see a full list of related events on our Calendar or download a PDF listing.

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Vancouver, WA

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