

The RACC Announcement page consists of all entries which RACC posts on its website on a daily basis – including all current opportunities like grants, open positions, calls to artists, etc. Other entries might include important media stories on the arts, advocacy alerts, or general news from the art community.

To submit a listing, please follow the link to Submit a Community Listing.

Entries below are listed in date posted order, starting with the most recent.

New mural honoring Kirk Reeves to be painted by Gwenn Seemel

PORTLAND, ORE — Over the next two weeks, Portland artist Gwenn Seemel will be working on a mural-sized portrait of Kirk Reeves, the Portland street performer and musician who passed away in November of 2012. The […]

RACC announces arts education job opportunities

PORTLAND, ORE – The Right Brain Initiative, an arts integration program of the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) in partnership with Young Audiences of Oregon and Southwest Washington, is hiring staff and contractors. Current job […]

2014-15 RACC Professional Development Grants (Cycle 1)

The RACC Professional Development Grant Program individual artists and arts organizations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties with activities that improve their business management development skills and/or brings to them to another level artistically. 21 […]