Advocacy in Arts Education

What do we want? Arts Education! When do we want it? Now!

This seems like the mantra every new school year, every budget season, and perennially from youth across our communities. They love art. They love the paint, the sticky glue on their fingers, the seasonal pumpkin sketches, and the field trips to performances and exhibitions. They love using scissors and cutting hearts out of red construction paper, school assemblies, showcasing their ceramics and photography in the halls, learning current media techniques, and most of all, they love the joy of being creative together.

Advocating for arts and culture in our community and schools is a full-time job. We hope that one day it will just be the norm. People will simply understand the value of arts and culture in our community, in our schools. We will not have to advocate for funding and sustaining a vibrant arts education program in our PK-12 schools, but will be thinking instead about all the new courses, and the arts educators we need to hire because the demand for art is so vast and the classes are too full. Imagine.

Yet, arts and culture are in demand now. Arts save lives. We know that because teachers, community members, students, policy makers, data reports and analysis, and arts organizations remind us repeatedly. It is through arts in our schools that an atmosphere of communication and tolerance, a mapping of emotions through creation, enable students to connect to the greater world. There they can express their creative selves, find their voice, and to see the connectedness of the human spirit. In community, we do the same.

Can you recall the world without music, movies, gatherings and performances while we were in lockdown during the global Covid-19 pandemic? The arts enable us to survive through some of our darkest times as a community, and the arts continue to uplift and support us as we struggle not just to survive, but to thrive in our new world.

We ask you to join us as an advocate for arts education in our schools and in our community. Lend your voice to the chorus, and share your experiences and joy with others. Tell your story of how the arts saved you. Nurtured you. Tell your family members to support candidates and board members that want sustained funding in arts education in our community. Support arts councils that advocate for arts and culture in your community. Support arts organizations by volunteering, attending performances, and sponsoring school trips through donations. Whatever you do, be that advocate and voice for arts and culture in our community and schools. Be loud.

Please join us at www.racc.org/arts-education to learn more.  Tag us on Instagram when you share your stories.

-Chanda Evans, Arts Education Manager

From the Capital to the Community: Highlighting culture in arts Advocacy Day 2023


‍As an advocate for the arts, I firmly believe that art and culture has the power to change lives and transform communities. Art is not only a means of self-expression of culture, but is a tool for learning, connecting, and social change. However, despite its immense benefits, arts and culture often struggle to receive the support and funding they require.

This year, the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) as part of the Cultural Advocacy Coalition of Oregon (CACO) had the opportunity to attend the in-person Advocacy Day 2023 on April 19th in Salem, Oregon. Organized through CACO, arts and culture leaders from across Oregon had the opportunity to meet and discuss the importance for continued support and funding of arts and culture in Oregon; the impact of art in civic life and economic recovery; challenges, strategies, building a community, collaborating with local government.

Introduction to advocating for support and funding of arts and culture

Advocating for the arts is crucial as it helps to raise awareness of the importance of the arts in our communities. The arts play a significant role in shaping our cultural identity, providing a means of self-expression, and promoting social change. However, the arts often struggle to receive the support and funding they need, leading to a decline in access to quality arts programs for many communities. Therefore, advocating for support and funding of arts and culture is essential to ensure that everyone in the community has access to the arts.

RACC team members, Mario Mesquita, Manager of Advocacy & Engagement, Carol Tatch, Co-Executive Director Chief of External Operations, and Phil Barber, Philanthropic Engagement Specialist, visited Senator Elizabeth Steiner (District 17), Representative Rob Nosse (District 42), Senator James Manning Jr. (District 7), Senator Michael Dembrow (District 23), and Representative Maxine Dexter (District 33). We raised up and asked for their support on initiatives identified by our partner, the Cultural Advocacy Coalition of Oregon (CACO):

  1. We note that recovery for our sector is expected to be a 3- to 5-year process because of the prolonged nature of Oregon’s shutdown. We appreciate the legislature’s investment in the sector. We encourage your support of HB 2459, which would infuse $50M in recovery funding into revenues that threaten the viability of organizations across Oregon.
  2. Our organization supports HB 2498, which complements recovery efforts by addressing long -term funding of the sector. HB 2498 seeks to honor the original promise the Oregon legislature made to fund the Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT) with a one-time infusion of $200M in lottery bond funds.
  3. We also support an increase of $10M for grant making of the Oregon Arts Commission (OAC). Oregon is currently ranked 38th in the nation for per capita general fund support for the arts. This represents $0.49 per person. We urge policymakers to recognize the importance of our sector and move it into the top half of states at a minimum.
  4. Along with CACO, RACC also supports HB3532, which would replace the cap on OCT’s administrative costs with a percentage that will create the ability to apply up to 5% of the OCT’s permanent fund to staffing. This will better support the sector through additional technical assistance, OCT operations support, and other activities that encourage cultural activity. We are a fiscal sponsor for the Multnomah County Cultural Coalition, so we are aware of the struggles this organization has due to the limits on tis administrative funds and inability to support any staff. We continue to support their efforts to be responsible equitable funders to cultural programming.

The impact of arts and culture in advocacy

Art has the power to bring people together, create awareness, and inspire change. Through art, individuals can express their emotions, experiences, and beliefs, which can help to create a sense of community and foster empathy. Art can also be used to advocate for social change by fostering learning, raising awareness of critical issues such as social justice, environmentalism, and mental health.

The Oregon Coast Art Bus ready in Salem to welcome everyone in person at Wilson Park next to the capital building. Image by Cultural Advocacy Coalition


The Oregon Coast Art Bus made an appearance in Salem during Advocacy Day accompanying live performances by the Portland Opera in their mobile stage, and even a live performance by Representative Nosse playing the guitar.

The Art Bus rolled into the event – wrapped in the vibrant and colorful Celebrate Oregon! artwork developed by the Oregon Cultural Trust. The artwork on the wrap, developed by artist Liza Mana Burns, explores the vibrant arts and culture of the state. The Oregon Coast Art Bus, a program of the Oregon Coast Council, launched in August 2022, is an example of art as learning-opportunity that eliminates transportation and cost barriers for youth. The hope is now to share the experience throughout the state, with youth who do not have regular access to hands-on art activities.

The gathered advocates explored the activities available on the bus which ranged from printmaking, rubbings, and stamping, all while learning about flora and fauna in and around Oregon. A prime example of putting the “A” back into “STEAM” curricula: science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.

The challenges of advocating for support and funding of arts and culture

Advocating for the arts can be challenging especially when we face budget cuts from our local cities and counties; communities facing recovery and access, and inadequate services. Many legislators  have a hard time recognizing the value of the arts or understanding how they can benefit from them if they have not experienced first hand the impact of the arts and culture in their lives. Therefore, it is crucial to raise our voices, create platforms, and educate others on the importance of the arts and their impact on our communities and our economies.

You can check out more on RACCs Advocacy Hub.

Strategies for advocating for support and funding of arts and culture

There are several strategies that individuals and organizations can use to advocate for support and funding of arts and culture. One effective strategy is to collaborate with local government officials and organizations to ensure that the arts are included in community planning and development. Another strategy is to showcase the impact of the arts by highlighting success stories and the positive outcomes of arts programs.

Currently, RACC serves as lead in partnership with Americans for the Arts (AFTA) in Multnomah county the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6th study (AEP6). The study documents the economic contributions of the arts in over 250 diverse communities and regions across the country, representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia. During 2015, AEP5 in Oregon found that the nonprofit arts and culture industry generated $687 million of economic activity—$364 million in spending by arts and cultural organizations and an additional $323 million in event-related expenditures by their audiences. This activity supported 22,299 full time equivalent jobs and generated $53 million in revenue to local and state governments.

The study put to rest a misconception that communities supported arts and culture at the expense of local economic development. In fact, what AEP5 showed was that communities were investing in an industry that supports jobs, generates government revenue, and is the cornerstone of tourism. This economic impact study sent a strong signal that when we support the arts, we not only enhance our quality of life, but we also invest in the Greater Portland Area’s economic well-being, including Clackamas and Washington Counties.

Building a community around arts and culture advocacy

Finally, building a strong community around art advocacy can help to create a united front and amplify the message of the importance of the arts. Building a community around art advocacy is crucial to creating a sustainable advocacy movement. This can be achieved by organizing events, such as Advocacy Day, and activities that bring people together, and getting involved with your local and state level organizations, like the newly formed Oregon Arts and Culture Caucus. Membership  stands at 23 and makes this group one of Oregon’s largest bipartisan caucuses.

As noted in the Oregon Cultural Trusts blog: “The interest in this Caucus, and its rapid growth, just show how much people value the arts and culture organizations in Oregon and how important it is that we support this sector,” said Rep. Nosse (D-Portland), Caucus coordinator.

The Arts and Culture Caucus was formed in recognition of the vital role arts and culture play in the livability and prosperity of Oregon communities – and in enriching the lives of Oregonians. Formation of the Caucus was led by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Inaugural members of the Caucus include Sen. Dick Anderson (R-Lincoln City); Rep. Janelle Bynum (D-Clackamas); Rep. Maxine Dexter (D-Portland); Rep. David Gomberg (D-Otis); Sen. Bill Hansell (R-Athena); Rep. John Lively (D-Springfield); Rep. Pam Marsh (D-Ashland); Caucus Coordinator Rep. Nosse (D-Portland); and Sen. Deb Patterson (D-Salem).

The Caucus serves as a resource to the Oregon Legislature on key issues impacting the arts and culture sector. Its members work closely with stakeholders including the Oregon Arts Commission, the Oregon Cultural Trust (and its Statewide Partners) and the Cultural Advocacy Coalition of Oregon to stay informed on the latest research and issues. It also sets the agenda on priorities for arts and culture legislation, including a sustainable and robust funding mechanism for arts and cultural initiatives.

~Mario Mesquita, Manager of Advocacy and Engagement




Join RACC on Advocacy Day-Wednesday, April 19, 2023!

Picture of a brightly colored bus with images from across the state of OregonJoin RACC, arts and cultural leaders, and supporters from across Oregon to unite our voices, align our priorities, and remind our elected officials that the pandemic-related hardships felt throughout our creative sector are not going away anytime soon. When it comes to policy, we believe we are most effective when we are unified. We are strongest when we work together. You are an important part of this work to ensure that arts and culture continue to thrive in Oregon.

Register now 

We know you are doing an incredible amount of work to keep your organizations afloat. Your time at a premium. It can be bewildering to navigate the internal workings of Salem.

NOW is the time to schedule meetings (generally 15 minutes long) with your local legislators for the afternoon of Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 19!

This year’s legislative priorities include HB 2459, HB 2498, HB 3532, CACO’s CREF capital projects, and an increase in the Oregon Arts Commission’s grant budget.

Advocacy Day is a hybrid event again this year.

  • Our morning session will be held via Zoom, featuring more in-depth information and advocacy training to prepare you to meet with legislators in the afternoon.
  • Several CACO members will be present in Salem for in-person meetings in the afternoon, but because of renovations at the Capitol, we are unable to invite our full membership to gather there in person.
  • Please plan to attend Advocacy Day as best fits your needs and schedule – either meeting with your elected officials in person or virtually in the afternoon on Wednesday, April 19, following your attendance at our virtual morning session.

Most legislators are doing the bulk of their meeting scheduling via email, regardless of meeting virtually or in person. NOW is the time to get these meetings on the calendar for Wednesday, April 19. Here is a helpful email template:

[Greeting Rep. /Sen.]

I hope [Friday] finds you well. I serve as the [insert title and organization and mention if you are in their district]. We [include information about your organization, who you serve, etc.]. I will be participating in the Cultural Advocacy Coalition of Oregon’s Advocacy Day, and I am reaching out to request a meeting in the afternoon of April 19 to discuss [e.g., your CREF project, priorities for the arts and culture sector before the legislature for consideration this session]. Please let me know if there is a time that will work best for the [Rep. /Sen.] on Wednesday, April 19. Thank you!

In the meantime, here is a quick preview of our legislative session priorities.

For more information on how RACC is involved please, reach out to Mario Mesquita, Manager of Advocacy and Engagement.

(information provided by the Cultural Advocacy Coalition of Oregon)

The Regional Arts & Culture Council Supports Maintaining Current Arts Education Funding Levels & Encourages School Districts to Join Us in Our Support of Arts Education for All


Portland, OR –


As our school districts across the state look to their budgets, reorganize, and prioritize in the coming months, we know that teachers’ jobs are in danger once again. When public education loses teachers, we lose educational opportunities for all of our students. This in turn affects our entire region. Arts education funding in particular is once again at risk.

We urge school districts to maintain your support for arts education programs in our K-12 schools. We are not asking for more funding, even though we know this is necessary to ensure equitable access to arts and culture programing in our schools. We ask you to not decrease funding. We know that art engagement provides a skill set that is critical in our creative economy, and also helps us heal, connect, and build relationships. Art has the power to help move us forward out of trauma. We know that having a robust well-rounded education that includes the arts keeps kids in school, exposes us to diverse cultures, teaches empathy and compassion, encourages us to think critically, to be civically engaged, and, most importantly, brings us joy. We know that the arts create a pathway forward, providing hope and giving voice to the community.

We envision an arts education that is rooted in equity, access, and inclusion. A new bipartisan group of 2023 Oregon legislators have formed an Arts and Culture Caucus. Many leaders in arts and culture in Oregon, including the Oregon Arts Commission and the Oregon Cultural Trust, advocate for increased funding for arts education in our schools, and provide grant opportunities to arts organizations that have arts education programming. RACC is such a leader and, through our grant programs, support organizations who include arts education programming. RACC understands the importance of civic engagement and we encourage you to reach out to your elected officials to share with them your concerns.

Please support arts and culture educational programming in your local schools. Join us in supporting arts education for all.



Chanda Evans, Arts Education Program Manager
