RACC Resource Council

The RACC Resource Council is a group of people with close ties to RACC who are engaged in providing advice, periodic specific tasks, and/or events to further the organization’s mission. They meet once or twice a year for a working breakfast or lunch, and attend other RACC social events. Membership includes past board members; board members who find they cannot attend regular meetings, but want to stay involved; and individuals who would like to help RACC without serving on the board or a standing committee. We thank them for their continued service!

Alan Alexander III

Pam Baker

Jesse Beason

Ernie Bloch II

Verlea Briggs

Claudia Burnett

Jennifer Cies

Jay Clemens

George Forbes

Eric Friedenwald-Fishman

Gwyneth Gamble Booth

Kira Higgs

Phillip Hillaire

Eric Hormel

Susheela Jayapal

Karen Karbo

Mike Lindberg

Gary R. Maffei

Mary Maletis

Peg Malloy

Julie Mancini

Brenda Meltebeke

Josie Mendoza

Cate Millar

Max M. Miller Jr.

Randy J. Miller

Carole Morse

Bonita Oswald

Robert G. Packard

Dorothy Piacentini

Bettsy Preble

Jan Robertson

Mary B. Ruble

Joan Eliot Sappington

Lina Garcia Seabold

Carol Smith

Yvonne Tengwall

Craig Thompson

Julie Vigeland

Clark Worth