RACC accepting applications for Artist in Residence project with Portland Archives and Records Center

Pre-application tours in early September, application deadline September 28, 2015

PORTLAND, ORE — The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) in Portland, Oregon, invites artists living in the Portland metropolitan area and producing work in visual, performing, literary and/or media arts to submit qualifications for an artist-in-residence project at the City of Portland Archives and Records Center (PARC). This project is part of RACC’s public art residency program, Intersections.

This is the second in a series of residencies for PARC and the selected artist/team will be asked to explore records related to 82nd Avenue. For many years 82nd Avenue served as the eastern-most boundary for Portland, with portions annexed early in the 1900s and other areas annexed as late 1990. For some areas that are now part of the City, historic records do not exist in the City alwaysvaltrexonline.com Archive. The city has grown and expanded far beyond this area, and yet 82nd is still perceived by many as the boundary to East Portland. The artist/team will create work in any media that engages and/or is a result of working with the collections and staff at PARC.

The project budget is $15,000. The application deadline is Monday, September 28, 2015. To download the RFQ, click here. Pre-application tours of the PARC are encouraged and will occur on September 8 & 11; space is limited and reservations are needed. Send reservation request to intersections@racc.org with subject line “Visit Archives”.

Intersections residencies explore the “art of work” and the “work of art.” The program encourages artists in all disciplines to explore new working methods and develop socially engaging, interactive art experiences in community settings. 

Now available: RACC’s annual report for 2012

The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) has released its annual report for 2012. The year in review, available online at, www.racc.org/2012annualreport includes highlights of last year’s activities in service to artists and arts organizations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties.

Among the organization’s accomplishments in 2012:

RACC expanded the public art collection through murals, portable works purchases, large-scale projects, and more
The Right Brain Initiative expanded its arts integration services to 44 schools
Work for Art, a workplace giving program for the arts, raised a record sum: $823,693
More artists and arts organizations received grants than ever before
Voters approved a new $35 income tax to support arts education and access in Portland
Electronic copies (HTML or PDF) can be accessed at www.racc.org/2012annualreport. Hardcopies are also available upon request; contact RACC at 503-823-5111 or mbauer@racc.org.