

The RACC Announcement page consists of all entries which RACC posts on its website on a daily basis – including all current opportunities like grants, open positions, calls to artists, etc. Other entries might include important media stories on the arts, advocacy alerts, or general news from the art community.

To submit a listing, please follow the link to Submit a Community Listing.

Entries below are listed in date posted order, starting with the most recent.

Americans for the Arts (AFTA) Statement on Immigration and Refugee Ban

On January 27, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order that denies entrance into the U.S. by immigrant and non-immigrant visitors from seven Muslim-majority nations for 90 days. It also suspends entry of all refugees for 120 days and bars Syrian refugees indefinitely. Americans for the Arts stands in opposition to policies that limit the free […]

2/2-4 “Locus Turris” at the Portland Winter Light Festival

Locus Turris by William Rihel and David Valdez is a low tech, real time exploration of visual science. By focusing on the physics of what humans can hear and see, both pattern and reaction transform into art. Locus Turris explores light and sound in a way that is, not new to many, but is different in how […]

RACC’s annual arts and business breakfast is February 8

What happens when you mix one Mexican Folkloric dance troupe, three inspirational acts of collaboration, surgeons who formed an 80s cover band, and Commissioner Chloe Eudaly? Add one giant light-bulb with feet and you get an event called, “Juice.” On Wednesday, February 8, over 350 arts supporters and practitioners will participate in RACC’s Juice: Fueling […]

Some responses to the current state of our country

ELOISE BLOG: This past Friday and Saturday I participated in meetings with 40 people who lead local arts agencies in large cities across the country. Top in everyone’s minds, of course, is the tornado roaring through national government. The participating leaders represent blue cities in blue states, blue cities in red states, and red cities […]

RACC temporarily removes “Allow Me” from Pioneer Courthouse Square as brick repair project moves forward

In preparation for the repair and renovation of portions the brick plaza at Pioneer Courthouse Square RACC staff, working with Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland Parks & Rec, and project contractor Howard S. Wright, removed  J. Seward Johnson’s iconic Allow Me (a.k.a. “Umbrella Man”) sculpture from its location in the square’s southwest corner. The 460 pound […]

An Important Message from the Americans for the Arts President and CEO

January 26, 2017 Dear Americans for the Arts Members and Friends, I am writing to you today about the status of federal funding for the arts in the new Administration and U.S. Congress and about what you should do right now and over the coming months. Last week on Thursday, January 19, I sent our […]

Stephanie Simek  presents “Table of Elements (and Minerals)” at the Portland Building, February 21 – March 17, 2017

Drawing on her previous work exploring unusual and interesting physical properties of materials, Stephanie Simek will install a deftly crafted, hand-built “table of holograms” in the Portland Building Installation Space. The holograms consist of three-dimensional images of common minerals that appear to hover in space above the tabletop. The table structure not only serves as […]

February Night Lights: Laura Heit presents “Hypothetical Stars II” in conjunction with the Portland Winter Light Festival on February 2

PORTLAND, ORE – For February’s installment of Night Lights, artist Laura Heit will present Hypothetical Stars II on RACC’s north exterior wall at 411 NW Park Avenue in Portland on February 2 between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. This month, Night Lights is an affiliate site for The Portland Winter Light Festival, which is now in its […]