Congress Gives the Arts a Funding Boost

Issued by Americans for the Art on May 1, 2017 Congress has reached a bipartisan agreement on a bill to fund the nation’s federal agencies and programs for the remaining balance of the current FY2017 […]


My post today will not be breaking news to followers of the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities, but grassroots advocacy is essential over the next few months. While Oregon […]

U.S. Senators send President Trump NEA/NEH letter

In light of recent information regarding the possible elimination by the Trump administration of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Americans for the Arts (AFTA) shared […]

NEA and NEH Letters to the President

ELOISE BLOG: As we know there has been considerable angst and very little reliable information circulating regarding the President’s position on arts and humanities. As a first step in advocating for these vital organizations Americans […]

October is National Arts & Humanities Month

Issued by Americans for the Arts on October 3, 2016 October is National Arts & Humanities Month (NAHM)—a coast-to-coast collective recognition of the importance of culture in America. NAHM was launched by Americans for the […]