Advocacy & Community Engagement

Helping Hands, David Flores

Building and encouraging support for a strong arts and culture community and ecosystem. Embedded into RACC, we actively promote increased arts funding at all levels, encouraging more private sector giving; connecting artists to opportunities, and organizations to artists and creatives, through an equitable lens.

● Reduce and eliminate barriers to access and promote equity in the arts and culture through support and promoting among city, state, and federal officials

● Encourage the expansion of the role of arts in community services, especially in health and recovery

● Foster, build, and grow partnerships and collaborations with community leadership in local, state, and national arts and culture councils, commissions, and committees

● Initiate and support calls to action including state and national legislative initiatives

RACC helps build support for a strong arts and culture community. We actively promote increased arts funding at the local, state, and federal level, while also encouraging more private sector giving.

Advocacy In View


NEA Approved for Arts Funding Increase

Issued by Americans for the Arts on May 25, 2016. Today (May 25)  the House Subcommittee on Interior Appropriations approved a $2 million increase in federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), […]

Your Input Sought for a new Arts Facility in Beaverton

The City of Beaverton needs your help to plan a proposed Arts and Culture Center facility that is currently under consideration. We need your help to plan the Arts and Culture Center.  Please take the […]

State of the Arts

Eloise’s Blog: Many thanks to all who attended our annual presentation to City Council when we thank Council for their on-going support. While we also talk about how we invested the City’s allocation to RACC […]

Commissioner Steve Novick responds

Commissioner Steve Novick (Candidate for Portland Commissioner, Position 4) responded April 14, 2016: (1) In what specific ways have you supported arts and culture in Portland?   Personally, I’ve always been a big music fan (Commissioner Fish […]

Sarah Iannarone responds

Sarah Iannarone (Candidate for Mayor) responded on April 7, 2016: (1) In what specific ways have you supported arts and culture in Portland?    Personally, I attend arts and culture functions throughout Portland almost weekly, […]

Chloe Eudaly responds

Chloe Eudaly (Candidate for Portland Commissioner, Position 4) responded April 7, 2016: (1) In what specific ways have you supported arts and culture in Portland?   For the past 21 years I’ve owned and operated Reading […]