Joseph Kucinski’s installation “The Tenacity of Change” opens at the Portland Building February 18

PORTLAND, ORE –  Joseph Kucinski’s upcoming installation at the Portland Building is aimed at capturing a moment of wonderment and curious expectation. To accomplish this he looks to his childhood for inspiration: “The world was alive and everything in it could be a new adventure, even the mundane garage had infinite possibilities.”
Kucinski’s exuberance is contagious as he employs the humble garage door as his jumping-off point for a discussion on the wonder the future can hold. The installation, which includes a full scale roll-up garage door built to fit the main wall, positions the viewer inside a mock garage to contemplate a flood of mysterious light leaking in from “outside,” light that beckons those with imagination to explore what lies beyond.
“Even as we lose our innocence with age and saddle growing responsibility, it is more important than ever to keep intact that sense of wonderment and open the door. Enter the light.”
About the Artist:  Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Joseph Kucinski now calls Portland home.   He has shown his work nationally and internationally and in 2012 was featured in the Dublin Biennial.  Kucinski works in both two and three dimensions, but is best known for his large scale ink and oil paintings that often incorporate unexpected media such as sand, gold leaf and copper.  His work is featured in detail at where visitors will also find a short documentary about the artist by filmmaker Brandon Reed.
Viewing Hours & Location: The Portland Building is located at 1120 SW 5th Avenue in downtown Portland and is open 8 am to 5 pm, Monday – Friday. 
For more information on the Portland Building Installation Space series, including images, proposals and statements for all the installations since 1994, go to