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September – December 5th Edition Newsletter 2022

K-12 Arts Education Newsletter: September, October, November, December 2022 5th Edition  Where education, creativity and joy collide! Welcome back to school. Welcome leaves as we say goodbye to summer, hello fall, pumpkins, ghosts, the World Series, spice, family, friends, mini-vacations, elections, winter gardening, reading while watching the rain, the death of mosquitoes, brisk morning hikes, […]

Summer Edition Newsletter 2022

K-12 Arts Education Newsletter: June-July-August-September Where education, creativity and joy collide! Welcome to our short edition for summer! Below you will find festivals, exhibitions, events, and summer programming. While not a comprehensive list by any means, it simply gives you some flavor of what is out there. Do not forget that many school districts are […]

April – June Edition Newsletter 2022

Where education, creativity and joy collide! The world has changed since I wrote my last introduction to #newsforyourheART. What continues is our mission to include, advocate, support and share arts and culture in our community. We have the opportunity to uplift one another through our voice, our vision, our instrument, and our craft to build […]

January – March Edition Newsletter 2022

As 2022 begins, I know we have been working hard to connect and build community in our schools, districts, families, and friend groups. From Comprehensive Distance Learning to hybrid to in-person instruction, these months have been challenging, yet we have found strength and joy together and have been present in moments of sadness. There is […]

September – December Edition Newsletter 2021

Welcome to the first edition of our new K-12 Arts Educators newsletter, #newsforyourheart. As we work to reconnect and engage with this brave new world, we know it will take time, it will be painful, it will be hard, but we will also find joy, hope, and love. I hope that this newsletter will illuminate some of the work […]