

The RACC Announcement page consists of all entries which RACC posts on its website on a daily basis – including all current opportunities like grants, open positions, calls to artists, etc. Other entries might include important media stories on the arts, advocacy alerts, or general news from the art community.

To submit a listing, please follow the link to Submit a Community Listing.

Entries below are listed in date posted order, starting with the most recent.

RACC board taps Jeff Hawthorne to serve as Interim Executive Director

PORTLAND, ORE – The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) has announced that Jeff Hawthorne will fill the position of Executive Director on an interim basis, effective July 1 until the new Executive Director is hired. RACC’s current Executive Director, Eloise Damrosch, retires on June 30. “We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff […]

RACC awards Arts Equity Grants to 24 organizations

PORTLAND, ORE — The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) has awarded $126,540 in Arts Equity Grants to 24 organizations that are advancing RACC’s goals for equity and inclusion. These grants are funded by City of Portland’s Arts Education & Access Fund, or arts tax, along with support from Multnomah County. Arts Equity Grants provide […]

Williams Avenue Artwork Community Celebration

Williams Ave. was once the vibrant heart of Portland’s Black community. Formerly known as the “Black Broadway,” the corridor included a concentration of Black churches, businesses, social service organizations and nightclubs that were thriving and active community institutions. Although the landscape has changed, there is much to remember, celebrate and build upon. In 2012, the […]

Oregon Arts Funding Update

Issued by Christine Drazan, Executive Director at Oregon Cultural Advocacy Coalition and Craig Campbell, Lobbyist, on May 26, 2017. As we move into this Memorial Day weekend, we only have five weeks remaining in the Oregon Legislative Session. The process has narrowed the policy and spending bills that still have the opportunity to move. This narrowing of […]

Survey results

POSTED ON May 25, 2017. In April, the Search Committee launched an online survey to solicit community input regarding RACC’s next Executive Director. In all, 249 community members completed the survey, and we thank you for your input! Here’s who we heard from: 54% identified as individual artists 60% work at a nonprofit organization When […]

Artist Crystal Schenk presents “I’m Not a Barnacle, I’m Just a Boy” at the Portland Building Installation Space, June 5 – June 30

PORTLAND, ORE – RACC is pleased to present a new work by sculptor and installation artist Crystal Schenk in the Installation Space located adjacent to the Portland Building lobby. I’m Not a Barnacle, I’m Just a Boy, opens June 5 and features an arresting sculpture that asks the viewer to look beyond their common understanding […]