

The RACC Announcement page consists of all entries which RACC posts on its website on a daily basis – including all current opportunities like grants, open positions, calls to artists, etc. Other entries might include important media stories on the arts, advocacy alerts, or general news from the art community.

To submit a listing, please follow the link to Submit a Community Listing.

Entries below are listed in date posted order, starting with the most recent.


Eloise’s Blog: Wednesday, February 24th began early for me, but what a great day it turned out to be! We started at 7:30 a.m. with The Arts Breakfast of Champions – the first for RACC after “adopting” the event when NWBCA closed late last summer. Our goal was to make the breakfast feel familiar for […]

Portland Building Installation Space: Jenna Reineking’s Installation March 21 – April 15

Artist Jenna Reineking’s upcoming installation in the lobby of the Portland Building is designed to transform the architecture immediately surrounding it into an “activated” environment; her choice of materials to accomplish this—the humble brown paper lunch bag. “I recently have become interested in creating systems using forms repeated in incremental units that can range from […]

RACC launches new website

Welcome to our new website! With an average of 452 unique visits per day, we have redesigned and reprogrammed to help constituents access RACC’s abundant resources more easily. The new website is also fully responsive for tablets and mobile devices, which now account for 30% of all visits. In addition to the new navigation […]

Candidates Take on Arts and Culture

Eloise’s Blog: First of all, thanks to the many hundreds of people who just about filled the Gerding Theater at the Armory for our candidates forum. Your numbers underscored for the candidates on stage how important this topic is for our city. Thanks also to the five candidates who came prepared and spoke with eloquence, […]

Battle of the Bands scheduled for May 12 at the Crystal Ballroom

PORTLAND, ORE — Tickets are now on sale for Work for Art’s first annual Battle of the Bands competition, a celebration of employee creativity at the Crystal Ballroom on May 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. All proceeds benefit Work for Art, a program of the Regional Arts & Culture Council. Eight company bands (employees who play […]

Arts champions to be honored on February 24

PORTLAND, ORE — The 2016 Arts Breakfast of Champions is coming up fast! More than 400 community leaders will celebrate some of the region’s most powerful partnerships between arts and business on Wednesday, February 24 from 7:30-9:00 a.m. at the Portland Art Museum. Tickets are on sale now at The Arts Breakfast of Champions […]