Make|Learn|Build Grant Program Overview

The Regional Arts & Culture Council launched the Make|Learn|Build grant opportunity for artists, arts organizations, and arts businesses in Winter 2021, seeking to support the local arts community while we remained in the pandemic lockdown. Throughout the last 16 months of shifting public health guidelines, new variants, social unrest, and climate events, RACC was able to offer two rounds of the grants each fiscal year, totaling four grant cycles open to the community, with Round 4 grant awards most recently announced at the end of March 2022.

The Make|Learn|Build grant was set up to prioritize breadth, reach and access. We worked to expand our technical support with Instagram live events and recorded Info Sessions with ASL interpretation, along with team member grant writing guidance through panel feedback and draft reviews.  It touched a lot of people and achieved significant impact during an uncertain time.

It allowed RACC to move away from past grantmaking standards (i.e. matching dollars, in-kind support, limits on eligible expenses, required in-person events) and put the emphasis on supporting community values and voices.

In total since January 2021, we experienced the following:

  • 1,661 applications
  • 1,364 unique applicants
  • 30 Community Reviewers
  • 85% BIPOC* representation in Community Review Panels
  • 48 Zoom panels
  • 806 grant awards
  • $2,310,500 awarded to artists, arts organizations, and arts businesses
  • 755 unique grantees
  • Average 52% BIPOC* artist support across 4 rounds
  • Over 457 technical assistance sessions for draft reviews and panel process feedback

*not including responses in “I describe my ethnicity/race as”

RACC launched the Make|Learn|Build grant program with the goal of supporting 50% of the applicants, which was a higher percentage than past funding rates (typically between 30% to 43%). This funding rate was possible with the smaller award amounts (average of $3,000 grant, rather than an average award of $5,000 in Project Grants.) This goal became harder as the number of applications began to skyrocket, but through the four rounds of the program, RACC was able to support the entire process at 48.4%.

Some other highlights of this program have been the following:

  • The pandemic hasn’t slowed creative folks down. People are making art!
  • A simple, accessible application welcomed in new and first-time applicants. This has allowed for more risk-taking. It also resulted in explosive growth in the applicant pool.
  • The need in the artist and creative community is huge. By making smaller awards to a wider number of grantees, the support was able to reach more people. However, great ideas and projects were still left on the table, as always.
  • Paying artists for their professional role as Community Reviewers is important. Reviewing applications and making decisions is WORK. By paying artists for their time to evaluate, they could step away from being applicants and their own artmaking and have comparable compensation.
  •  Reviewers are responding to what they want to see in their community – clear impact on community and value-based investment.
  • Making the full grant award up front puts trust in the work of the artist or organization.

As we move forward into the next vision of RACC grant programs, we know that we will be opening back up to arts projects proposed by all types of entities, including other nonprofits, businesses, institutions, schools, and community groups beyond those rooted in the arts. We will also be working to support individual artists in the many ways that they are creating and sharing art and culture. However, public presentations and a plan to share work with an audience will be important as a way to show community impact. One benefit of the new normal is acknowledging that virtual presentations and digital distribution are an accessible way to share your work.

Based on the recent RACC Planning Survey from Winter 2022, we know that Grants are the number one way that the community engages with our organization (79% of respondents). The majority of the survey respondents find RACC services and programs to be moderately or very accessible (78.4%) but feedback also shows there is ongoing work to do. Grants Team members are working to incorporate all our most recent lessons learned into the next phase of RACC grant support. Stay tuned!


FY2022 Make|Learn|Build Community Reviewers

Sarah Brahim

RaShaunda Brooks

May Maylisa Cat

Melina Coumas

Kapu Dancel

Jay Flewelling

Celina Flores

Elizabeth Higgins

Shobha Jetmalani

Laura Martinez

Megan McGeorge

Christine Miller

Sushmita Poddar

Logan Ridenour-Starnes

Paul Susi

garima thakur

Jennifer Viviano


Sample Quotes from grantees:

“This grant process is streamlined and made easy for artists who are not part of a non-profit, and don’t have a lot of experience with grant writing and reporting requirements often associated with those types of grants. This is frequently the only source of funding for many marginalized community members. We are grateful for these opportunities.”

 “I appreciate that during this very challenging year, RACC was flexible and allowed me to modify my project, and offered their help and support every step of the way.”

“I appreciated that this grant payout was not broken up into two payments like my last RACC grant. It was such a breath of fresh air not to have to hold off on paying hard-working contractors promptly instead of holding their payments until the project was completed. Thank you for trusting me and believing in me once again to make my art and hire indie filmmakers in Portland.”

“Thank you for providing opportunity and flexibility in a time that severely lacks these things.”

“One standout feature of this grant is that the total amount of the award was disbursed at the beginning of the project. Without this model I would not have had the necessary funds to cover expenses because of the challenges faced with work during the pandemic. This model of financial support made a big difference in helping this project happen.”

“I really appreciated the support in getting my declined first-round application reviewed and revised for submission the second time around. It was great getting specific feedback, and of course, having that result in a successful application the second time around.”

 “The Make|Learn|Build Grant has my greatest appreciation and gratitude. This grant really hit the mark in making things possible during 2021!”

“I think it’s been one of the more welcoming grants I’ve applied for. The application wasn’t overwhelming or complex. I think the simplicity of requirements make it more inclusive to underrepresented groups.”


2021-22 Make|Learn|Build Grants (Round 4)

RACC’s Make|Learn|Build Grant Program was designed to address the ways the arts community in the tri-county region needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artists, creatives, organizations, and businesses were awarded $1,500, $3,000 or $5,000 to make work, gain skills, or build up their arts business. The following 214 Make|Learn|Build Grants were awarded in March 2022 in Round 4 for a total of $644,000.


2021-22 Make|Learn|Build Grant awards (Round 4):

Individual Artists Category Discipline County Award
Adam Brock Ciresi Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Aiyana Monae McClinton Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Alexandra Behr Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Alexandra Loves Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Allie Perez Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Allison Ray Perrin Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Aloicious Moss Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Amo Reyes Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Ana Hurtado-Gonzalez Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Anchitta Noowong Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Anna Hoye Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Ansar Muhammad Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Arvie Smith Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Asa Mease Make Visual Arts Clackamas  $1,500
Ashleigh Flynn Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Azure Attoe Make Social Practice Multnomah  $3,000
BeeBee Sanchez Make Dance/Movement Multnomah  $5,000
BrandonLee Cierley Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Brendan Deiz Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Bridgette Hickey Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Carter Silago Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Cay Horiuchi & UwU Collective Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Christina Rusnak Make Music Multnomah  $1,500
Christine Clark Learn Other Multnomah  $3,000
Cole Reed Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Craig McCarthy Make Theatre Multnomah  $5,000
Crystal Jiko Sasaki Build Dance/Movement Multnomah  $1,500
Damien Gilley Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Damon Smyth Build Media Arts Washington  $3,000
Dani Townsend & Bernadette Little Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Daniel Reyes Llinás Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Danielle Ross Make Dance/Movement Multnomah  $5,000
Darrell Grant Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
David Shirkhani Build Visual Arts Clackamas  $3,000
David Vala Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Debbie Baxter Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Del Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Denver David Robinson Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Dominick Branch Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Ebenezer Galluzzo Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Edward Bourgeois Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Eien Hunter-Ishikawa Make Folk Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Elijah Hasan Build Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Elisabeth Loomis Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Emily Bixler Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Emily Newton Learn Theatre Multnomah  $3,000
Emma Josephson Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Erika Comparoni Make Visual Arts Washington  $3,000
Erinn Kathryn Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Esteban Camacho Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Felicia Murray Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Gabriel Espinosa Build Music Clackamas  $3,000
Gaby Tirta Jenkins Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Hampton Rodriguez Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Harley Cowan Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Heather Goodwind Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Heather Lee Birdsong Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Henry Felton Make Multi-Discipline Clackamas  $5,000
Henry Miller Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Ivan McClellan Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
James Mapes Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
James Travers Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Jason Okamoto Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Jax Chow Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Jeff Oliver Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Jennifer Timmer Trail Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Jennifer Wright Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Jerry Jenáe Sampson Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Jesse Blanchard Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $1,500
Jessica Israels Make Music Multnomah  $5,000
JmeJames Antonick Make Dance/Movement Multnomah  $3,000
John Frentress Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Joni Whitworth Make Literature Multnomah  $1,500
Juhea Kim Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Julia Laxer Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Julz Clementine Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Kalimah Abioto Build Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Kanani Koster Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Karen Polinsky Make Dance/Movement Multnomah  $5,000
Karlee Boon Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Katherine Brann Fredricks Make Music Multnomah  $1,500
Keenan McCune Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Kelda Van Patten Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Kerry Politzer Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Komi Jean Pierre Nugloze & N’Kossi Boutique Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Kristina Barker Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Lamiae Naki Learn Music Multnomah  $3,000
Leslie Vigeant Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Lisa Cox Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Lisa Korpos Make Social Practice Multnomah  $3,000
Lisa Molinaro Build Music Multnomah  $1,500
Liz Asch Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Liz Quezada Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Lucy Paschall Build Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Lynn Deal Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
M. Martinez Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Mami Takahashi Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Marcelo Fontana Make Media Arts Clackamas  $3,000
Mars Xoxo Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Mary Jacqueline MacDonald Learn Theatre Multnomah  $1,500
Masimbaashe Zvovushe Learn Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Matt Weiers Build Music Multnomah  $3,000
Matthew Packwood Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Maxx Katz Learn Music Multnomah  $1,500
Medina Maurice & ʻIolana Collective Fellows Ensemble Learn Dance/Movement Clackamas  $3,000
Meech Boakye Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Melanie Stevens Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Meredith Law Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Mic Crenshaw Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Michael Bui Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Michael Langman Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Michelle Ruiz Keil Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Moe Bowstern Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Monet Ezra Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Monica Dailey Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Nathaniel Praska Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Nik Hassinger Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Nykell DeVivo Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Onry Henreid Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Onyx Baird Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Pearlyn Tan Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Pearson Kunz Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Pepe Moscoso & Blind Insect Gallery Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Phacelia Cramer Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Pikake Jazzmin Sergia Kahananui Learn Folk Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Princess Bouton Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Qiddist Ashe & Womb Homb Collective Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Rachel Kimbrow Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Rachel Rosenthal Make Theatre Multnomah  $5,000
Rainyanni Paris Build Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Randa Benaziz Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Reed Wallsmith Build Music Multnomah  $3,000
Reema Zaman Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Ricardo Nagaoka Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Richard Harrington Make Visual Arts Clackamas  $3,000
Riley Waite Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Rio Wrenn Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Roland Dahwen Wu Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Russell Short Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Samara Andre Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Samuel Eisen-Meyers Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Sarah Meadows Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Scott Braucht Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Sean Bascom Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Shannon Amidon Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Sharon Servilio Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Simone Fischer Make Visual Arts Clackamas  $3,000
Srijon Chowdhury Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Stacey Hareid Learn Other Multnomah  $3,000
Stephan Nance Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Suma Jane Dark Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Sweta Ravisankar Build Dance/Movement Washington  $3,000
Talilo Marfil Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Tallon Jackson Make Media Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Tamesha Scott Learn Other Multnomah  $3,000
Tara Johnson-Medinger Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Taylor Valdes & The Venderia Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Theresa Tran Make Literature Multnomah  $3,000
Tia Katcharian Build Social Practice Multnomah  $3,000
Tyler Jacob Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Tyler Stone Build Music Multnomah  $1,500
Ursula Barton Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Wendy Noonan Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Zack Dougherty Make Media Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Zeloszelos Marchandt Make Multi-Discipline Washington  $3,000


Arts Organization/Arts Business Category Discipline County Award
Alexis Mercedes LLC Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $1,500
All Classical Portland Learn Music Multnomah  $3,000
ArtBack Make Visual Arts Clackamas  $3,000
Arts and Cultural Management Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Banana Pepper Music, LLC Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Beaverton Symphony Orchestra Make Music Washington  $3,000
Blackfish Gallery Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Buzzy’s Bees Make Visual Arts Washington  $3,000
Casa Della Zisa Collegium Musica Build Music Clackamas  $3,000
Cathedral Park Performing Arts Collective Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine Make Folk Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Center for the Arts Foundation Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Cerimon House Make Dance/Movement Multnomah  $5,000
Clackamas County Arts Alliance Make Visual Arts Clackamas  $3,000
Curvy Chic Closet Foundation Learn Multi-Discipline Washington  $1,500
Custom Deluxe Studio Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Damascus Fiber Arts School Learn Visual Arts Clackamas  $3,000
Eleven West Media Group Build Social Practice Multnomah  $3,000
Fuse Theatre Ensemble Make Theatre Multnomah  $5,000
Fused Creative Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Golden Road Arts Build Visual Arts Washington  $3,000
Good in the Hood Make Music Multnomah  $5,000
Helen’s Costume Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Kickstand Comedy Make Other Multnomah  $3,000
LP Mode, LLC Build Other Multnomah  $3,000
Misfit Academy Make Theatre Multnomah  $3,000
New Room Studios Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Pacific NorthWest Council of Water Protectors Build Folk Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Pacific Northwest Sculptors Learn Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Pathways Dance Company Make Dance/Movement Washington  $5,000
Portland Art Dealers Association Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Portland Youth Jazz Orchestra Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Prismagic LLC Make Other Multnomah  $3,000
Risk/Reward Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
Rock Dojo Make Music Multnomah  $3,000
Rogue Pack Theatre Make Media Arts Multnomah  $1,500
Scarlet Sails Cultural Foundation Build Theatre Washington  $3,000
Slavic Community Center of NW Make Folk Arts Multnomah  $5,000
Stephanie Chefas Projects Build Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Street Books Build Social Practice Multnomah  $3,000
Stroll PDX Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $5,000
The Broken Planetarium Make Theatre Multnomah  $3,000
The Nature Atelier Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Tiny Dance Life Build Dance/Movement Multnomah  $3,000
Tualatin Valley Creates Make Multi-Discipline Washington  $3,000
Uplifted: Locally Upcycled Goods LLC Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Vibe of Portland Make Visual Arts Multnomah  $3,000
Viva La Free Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah  $3,000
Willamette Writers Inc Build Literature Multnomah  $3,000



2021-22 Make|Learn|Build Grants (Round 3)

RACC’s Make|Learn|Build Grant Program was designed to address the ways the arts community in the tri-county region needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artists, creatives, organizations, and businesses were awarded $1,500, $3,000 or $5,000 to make work, gain skills, or build up their arts business. The following 174 Make|Learn|Build Grants were awarded in November 2021 in Round 3 for a total of $506,500.


2021-22 Make|Learn|Build Grant awards (Round 3):

Individual Artists Category Discipline County Award
a.c.ramírez de arellano Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Aaron Wheeler-Kay Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Adrienne Livingston Build Other Clackamas $3,000
AJ McCreary Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Alice Christine Walker Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Alisha Christiansen Make Theatre Multnomah $3,000
Alison Lutz Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Allan Pichardo Make Media Arts Multnomah $1,500
Allie Hankins Make Dance/Movement Multnomah $5,000
Amy Wike Make Social Practice Multnomah $3,000
Angela Saenz Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Anna Gray + Ryan Wilson-Paulsen Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Annabelle McCall Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Annelyse Gelman Build Literature Multnomah $3,000
Arietta Ward Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Ash Shirazi Make Theatre Multnomah $3,000
Ash Wyatt Make Folk Arts Multnomah $3,000
Ashley Hollingshead Make Theatre Multnomah $5,000
Ayal Alves Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Barbara de la Torre Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Becky Springer Learn Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
bitter camari Make Music Multnomah $1,500
Brianna Luce Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Cassia Gammill Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah $1,500
Catie Hannigan Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Celeste Pulido Garcia Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Christian Henry Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Claire Gunville Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
D.A. Marie Make Literature Washington $3,000
Dao Strom Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $5,000
David McElhatton Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Dawn Jones Redstone Learn Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Diego Morales-Portillo Learn Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Dohmoenike Nevills Build Music Multnomah $3,000
Doug Cummings Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Emily Kepulis Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Emily Miller Make Visual Arts Washington $3,000
Erin Yanke Make Literature Multnomah $3,000
Fernanda D’Agostino Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Freddy Paredes Make Music Washington $3,000
Grace Bigler Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Haley Reda Learn Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
haya bashir Build Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Heather Cannon Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Helena Dupre Thompson Learn Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Irene June Chau Make Visual Arts Washington $3,000
Jamie McPartland Make Literature Multnomah $1,500
Jason Edwards Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Jason Okamoto Build Music Multnomah $3,000
Jennifer Brommer Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Jennifer Perrine Learn Literature Clackamas $3,000
Jess Graff Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Jessica Rogers Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Jessie Nowak Build Dance/Movement Multnomah $3,000
Joe Seeley Build Music Multnomah $3,000
Jonathan Hanisits Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Jordan Souza Make Literature Multnomah $1,500
Jorge Martinez Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Jude Icarus Make Media Arts Multnomah $1,500
Kelly Mackura Learn Visual Arts Washington $3,000
Kendra Larson Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Kenney Polson Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Kevin McConnell Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Kevin Truong Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Kira Smith Make Literature Multnomah $3,000
Kyle Kraiter Learn Visual Arts Washington $1,500
Larry Yes Build Folk Arts Multnomah $3,000
Laura Cannon Build Dance/Movement Multnomah $3,000
Laura Medina Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Lauren Johnson Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Leialohaokeanuenue Kaula Learn Folk Arts Washington $3,000
Lillyanne Pham Make Social Practice Multnomah $3,000
Lisa Lipton Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $1,500
Lo Steele Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Loo Bain Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Lucas James Build Music Clackamas $3,000
Machado Mijiga Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Maren Jensen Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Marissa Yang Bertucci Make Literature Multnomah $3,000
Martha Grover Build Folk Arts Multnomah $3,000
Mary Lee Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Maxx Martinez Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Mckenzie Strong Build Multi-Discipline Clackamas $3,000
McKenzie Young Build Visual Arts Washington $1,500
Melina Kiyomi Coumas Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Melissa Duclos Build Literature Multnomah $3,000
Micah Hummel Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Michael Espinoza Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Mike Vos Learn Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Myhraliza Aala Make Visual Arts Washington $3,000
Myra Day Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Nate Atwell Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Ori Jay Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Pamela Ann Sadberry Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Phil Baker Make Music Washington $5,000
Pilar Gallego Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Prashant Kakad Make Music Multnomah $5,000
Ran Sheng Make Media Arts Washington $3,000
Rimona Eskayo Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Roberta Eaglehorse-Ortiz Build Social Practice Multnomah $3,000
Romana Sena Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Romina Del Castillo Learn Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Sabina Zeba Haque Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Sadie Wechsler Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Sara Burke Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Sarah Farahat Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Seth Lorinczi Make Literature Multnomah $3,000
Silver Chalice Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Sommer Martin Make Other Multnomah $3,000
Stacy Brewster Learn Literature Multnomah $3,000
Steven Allen-Reeves Build Music Multnomah $3,000
Stevie Anne Nemazee Make Theatre Multnomah $3,000
Susan Chan Build Music Washington $1,500
Susannah Mars Make Multi-Discipline Clackamas $5,000
Sydney Rainer Make Other Multnomah $5,000
Taiyah Marshall Make Music Washington $3,000
Tamara Carroll Build Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Tammy Hamamoto Make Visual Arts Multnomah $1,500
Thomas Vidosh Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Todd Marston Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Vanessa Boer Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Yaara Perczek Make Music Multnomah $3,000


Arts Organizations/Arts Busineses Category Discipline County Award
ARC in Movement LLC Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Art By Lissette LLC Build Visual Arts Washington $3,000
Art in Oregon Make Visual Arts Clackamas $5,000
Art-O-Maddic Make Visual Arts Clackamas $5,000
Banana Pepper Music, LLC Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Believe In Wonder Publishing Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Bridgeworks Oregon Build Other Multnomah $3,000
Bridging Voices Learn Music Multnomah $1,500
C.C. Stern Type Foundry Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Caldera Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Creative Music Guild Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Curvy Chic Closet Foundation Make Media Arts Washington $1,500
Desert Island Studios Build Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
EngAGE NW Build Multi-Discipline Washington $3,000
Fonograf Editions Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Fourteen30 Contemporary Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Fuller Rosen Gallery Make Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Graphic Arts Center Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Harry’s Room Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
HeartCenter Art Studio, LLC Build Visual Arts Washington $3,000
HOLDING Contemporary Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Indigenous Come Up Build Folk Arts Multnomah $3,000
Jailbreak Studios LLC Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Milepost 5 Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Mirador Magazine Build Literature Multnomah $3,000
Nationale Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
North Pole Studio Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Oregon Potters Association Learn Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Our Bold Voices Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Portland Child Art Studio Build Visual Arts Multnomah $3,000
Portland Indigenous Marketplace Learn Folk Arts Multnomah $3,000
Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble Make Music Multnomah $5,000
Portland Lesbian Choir Make Music Multnomah $3,000
Portland Oregon Women’s Film Festival Build Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Pulp & Deckle Build Visual Arts Clackamas $3,000
Red Pig Garden Tools Build Other Clackamas $3,000
Renegade Opera Build Music Multnomah $3,000
Residency Earth Inc Build Music Multnomah $3,000
Slick Education Make Multi-Discipline Washington $5,000
Small Axe Gallery + Projects Make Multi-Discipline Clackamas $3,000
SoulPatch Music Productions Build Music Clackamas $3,000
Street Roots Make Media Arts Multnomah $3,000
Sugarpill LLC Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Teva Oriata Polynesian Dance Troupe Make Dance/Movement Washington $1,500
The Geezer Gallery Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Theatre Vertigo Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Vanport Placemarking Project Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Variable West Build Other Multnomah $3,000
White Lotus Foundation Inc Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah $3,000
Wilsonville Arts & Culture Council Build Multi-Discipline Clackamas $3,000
Women-SEW Global Foundation Learn Folk Arts Multnomah $3,000
World Arts Foundation Inc. Make Music Multnomah $3,000

Community grant review uplifts artists in RACC decision-making process

Our grantmaking continues to change as we strive to align our values of access and equity in our services and investments. Feedback from an online survey in summer 2020, and a series of focus groups with Black, brown, and Indigenous artists who shared their perspectives and needs with us last fall, fueled the creation of our 2021 Make|Learn|Build grants.

By offering more flexible awards, we are supporting a greater number of artists and arts-based businesses, responding to what we heard the arts community in greater Portland needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artists, creatives, organizations, and businesses were awarded either $1,500 or $3,000 to make work, gain skills, or build up their art business and creative practice during a time of rapid change and creative innovation.

Filmmaker Melina Kiyomi Coumas photographed with green leaves in the background.

Community reviewer and filmmaker Melina Kiyomi Coumas

We also adapted how the community participated in our decision-making processes. Through our survey and focus groups, we heard that artists and arts administrators wanted to know more about what happens behind the scenes in our grantmaking processes and needed more opportunities to get to know each other and their community. We embraced the call for more transparency and for engaging people more deeply in our processes.

As a pilot program alongside the Make|Learn|Build grants, RACC hired a cohort of contract grant reviewers called community reviewers to read and make recommendations about which grant applications to fund. The opportunity to review grants was shared through our networks with past grant recipients, arts and cultural organizations, organizations that have arts programming, and practicing individual artists. Between March and June 2021, we paid the community reviewers for two rounds of review of Make|Learn|Build grants.

Filmmaker and community reviewer Melina Kiyomi Coumas shared what she felt made some applications stronger than others. “The ones that stood out to me, that got the most positive response, had the most community impact to them. In these times it’s nice to see applicants think about the community – how they can inspire, and make change, and help people out right now.”

All of the community review cohort are practicing artists, with experience managing or designing arts programming or running an arts-based business. We prioritized artists without regular employment, or whose work was disrupted by COVID-19, and who were living in Multnomah, Washington, or Clackamas counties. Additionally, we looked for diversity on our panels, including consideration of artistic genre, age, race, gender, ability, and geography. The contractors read, scored, and discussed the Make|Learn|Build grant applications from artists, arts organizations, and arts-based businesses and recommended a slate of awards to the RACC board and grant program team members.

Bathed in rose-colored light, actor Claire Rigsby tousles her long, dark curly hair.

Community reviewer and actor Claire Rigsby. Photo credit Phil Johnson

Claire Rigsby, an actor who served as one of the 14 community reviewers, described what the experience meant to her. “I have only so many resources to share. To be given the chance to support artists by giving funds felt good. Uplifting artists in a way that I can’t in my day-to-day life.” She added, “this really opened my eyes to what a massive community there is in Portland. To see the larger community gives me hope for Portland generally and in the future of art in Portland.”

See who was awarded the first rounds of Make|Learn|Build grants. Rounds 3 & 4 open Monday, August 9, 2021.

2021 Make Learn Build Community Reviewers

  • Yathzi Turcot Azpeitia
  • Melina Kiyomi Coumas
  • Brendan Deiz
  • Monet Ezra
  • Sarah Farahat
  • Brisa Gonzalez
  • John Akira Harrold
  • Vaughn Kimmons
  • Machado Mijia
  • Kelly Moe
  • Claire Rigsby
  • Devin Tau
  • Erin Yanke
  • Xavier “Decimus” Yarbrough

FY2020-21 General Operating Support Grant Awards

Learn more about RACC’s General Operating Support program.

General Operating Support Partner Base Awards

Cycle 1 – Reports received in February 2021.

  • Artists Repertory Theatre – $60,000
  • Blue Sky Gallery – $15,000
  • Corrib Theatre – $15,000
  • Friends of Chamber Music – $30,000
  • Literary Arts – $60,000
  • Metropolitan Youth Symphony – $30,000
  • Northwest Children’s Theater and School – $60,000
  • Oregon Ballet Theatre – $100,000
  • Outside the Frame – $15,000
  • Portland Art Museum/Northwest Film Center – $175,000
  • Portland Center Stage – $100,000
  • Portland Columbia Symphony – $20,000
  • Portland Opera Association – $85,000
  • Portland Playhouse – $45,000
  • Portland Youth Philharmonic – $30,000
  • Profile Theatre – $30,000
  • The Portland Ballet – $30,000
  • Third Angle New Music – $15,000
  • White Bird – $45,000
  • Young Audiences of Oregon – $45,000

Cycle 2 – Reports received in May 2021

  • BodyVox –  $45,000
  • Boom Arts –  $15,000
  • Cappella Romana –  $30,000
  • Chamber Music Northwest –  $45,000
  • Children’s Healing Art Project –  $20,000
  • CoHo Productions –  $20,000
  • Disjecta Contemporary Art Center –  $15,000
  • Echo Theater Company –  $20,000
  • Ethos Inc. –  $30,000
  • Film Action Oregon dba Hollywood Theatre –  $60,000
  • Hand2Mouth –  $15,000
  • Imago Theatre –  $15,000
  • Independent Publishing Resource Center –  $15,000
  • Live Wire Radio –  $20,000
  • Miracle Theatre Group –  $30,000
  • My Voice Music –  $20,000
  • New Expressive Works –  $15,000
  • NW Dance Project –  $45,000
  • NW Documentary Arts & Media –  $15,000
  • Oregon BRAVO Youth Orchestras –  $30,000
  • Oregon Children’s Theatre –  $60,000
  • Oregon Symphony Association –  $175,000
  • Pacific Youth Choir –  $20,000
  • PDX Jazz –  $30,000
  • PETE (Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble) –  $15,000
  • PHAME –  $30,000
  • PlayWrite, Inc –  $15,000
  • Polaris Dance Theatre –  $20,000
  • Portland Baroque Orchestra –  $30,000
  • Portland Gay Men’s Chorus –  $30,000
  • Portland Institute for Contemporary Art –  $45,000
  • Portland Piano International –  $30,000
  • Portland Taiko –  $15,000
  • Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp for Girls –  $15,000
  • Shaking the Tree Theatre –  $15,000
  • The Circus Project –  $30,000
  • The Red Door Project –  $30,000
  • Third Rail Repertory Theatre –  $30,000
  • Triangle Productions –  $20,000
  • Write Around Portland –  $20,000


Clackamas & Washington County Awards –  Reports received in July 2020 and May 2021.

  • Bag & Baggage Productions – $10,000
  • Broadway Rose Theatre Company – $23,000
  • Lakewood Center for the Arts – $21,000


GOS Investment Awards for FY20-21 – Awarded in June 2021.

  • Artist Repertory Theatre – $12,500
  • Blue Sky – $6,000
  • BodyVox – $10,000
  • Boom Arts – $11,500
  • Cappella Romana – $6,750
  • Chamber Music Northwest – $11,750
  • Children’s Healing Art Project – $2,500
  • Coho Productions – $7,750
  • Disjecta Contemporary Art Center/Oregon Center for Contemporary Arts – $3,750
  • Echo Theater Company – $10,000
  • Ethos – $13,500
  • Friends of Chamber Music – $3,500
  • Hand2Mouth – $7,750
  • Hollywood Theatre – $4,000
  • Imago Theatre – $7,750
  • Independent Publishing Resource Center – $21,500
  • Literary Arts – $10,500
  • Live Wire Radio – $7,500
  • Metropolitan Youth Symphony – $3,750
  • My Voice Music – $19,000
  • New Expressive Works – $12,500
  • Northwest Children’s Theater & School – $11,750
  • NW Documentary – $2,500
  • Oregon BRAVO Youth Orchestra – $12,000
  • Oregon Children’s Theatre – $12,750
  • Outside the Frame – $11,750
  • PDX Jazz – $8,700
  • PETE (Portland Experimental Theatre Ensemble) – $3,750
  • PHAME – $19,000
  • Polaris Dance Theatre – $4,750
  • Portland Art Museum/Northwest Film Center – $17,500
  • Portland Baroque Orchestra – $8,750
  • Portland Center Stage – $22,000
  • Portland Columbia Symphony – $2,500
  • Portland Gay Men’s Chorus – $6,500
  • Portland Institute for Contemporary Art – $24,500
  • Portland Playhouse – $22,500
  • Portland Taiko – $6,750
  • Portland Youth Philharmonic – $6,000
  • Profile Theatre – $20,500
  • Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp for Girls – $8,750
  • Shaking the Tree Theatre – $11,550
  • The Circus Project – $14,500
  • The Portland Ballet – $4,750
  • The Red Door Project – $22,500
  • Third Angle New Music – $13,000
  • Third Rail Repertory Theatre 0 $3,750
  • Triangle Productions – $2,500
  • Write Around Portland – $19,000
  • Young Audiences of Oregon & SW Washington – $10,000


New General Operating Support Organizations awarded Spring 2021

  • PassinArt: A Theatre Company – $15,000
  • Portland Street Art Alliance – $15,000
  • World Stage Theatre – $15,000


Capacity Building Organizations for FY20-21 – Awarded in July 2020.

  • Cymaspace – $25,000
  • Disability Arts & Culture Project – $25,000
  • Instituto de Cultura e Arte – $25,000
  • MediaRites – $25,000
  • Morpheus Youth Project – $25,000
  • PassinArt – $25,000
  • Vanport Mosiac – $25,000
  • World Stage Theatre – $25,000

New Capacity Building Organizations Spring 2021

  • ArtMax Academy – $25,000
  • Rejoice Diaspora Dance Theater- $25,000
  • Theatre Diaspora- $25,000
  • Takohashi- $25,000
  • En Taiko- $25,000
  • World Arts Foundation- $25,000

2020-21 Make|Learn|Build Grants (Round 2)

RACC’s Make|Learn|Build Grant Program was designed to address the ways the arts community in the tri-county region needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artists, creatives, organizations, and businesses were awarded either $1,500 or $3,000 to make work, gain skills, or build up their arts business. The following 226 Make|Learn|Build Grants were awarded in June 2021 in Round 2 for a total of $619,500.


2020-21 Make|Learn|Build Grant awards (Round 2):

Individual Artists Category Discipline County Award Amount
aaron johanson Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Akela Auer Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Ale Oyervides Build Other Multnomah County $3,000
Alexandria Saleem Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Ali Gradischer Learn Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Alison Wilkinson Build Media Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Amy Ponteri Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Amy Bay Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Andrea Stolowitz Make Other Multnomah County $3,000
Anne Greenwood-Rioseco Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Anne Zander Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Anthony Wylen Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Arcadia Trueheart Learn Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Ariel Johnson Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Athan spathas Make Other Multnomah County $3,000
Azure Attoe Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Barbara Tetenbaum Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Bari Langbaum Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Bean Gilsdorf Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
BeeBee Sanchez Make Dance/Movement Multnomah County $3,000
Brendan Scott Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Brian Uhl Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Brianna Morales Build Other Multnomah County $1,500
Brittney Okabe Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Cameron Hawkey Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Carina Borealis Make Dance/Movement Multnomah County $3,000
Carlyn Hudson Make Dance/Movement Multnomah County $3,000
Caroline Moore Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Carolyn Drake Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Carson Terry Build Other Multnomah County $3,000
Christian Orellana Bauer Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $1,500
christopher larson Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Cibyl Kavan Learn Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Claire Aldridge Make Theatre Washington County $3,000
Cori McCullough Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Courtney McWhorter Make Visual Arts Washington County $3,000
Coy Miller Build Other Multnomah County $3,000
Crystal Schenk Learn Visual Arts Clackamas County $3,000
Daniel Bosshardt Make Music Washington County $3,000
David Vala Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Dey Rivers Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Diana Cuartas Make Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Diane Fredgant Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Dijenaire Frazier Build Other Multnomah County $3,000
Drew Laughery Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Elizabeth Bustamante Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Emilly Prado Learn Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Emily Stonier Make Media Arts Washington County $1,500
Emma Gerigscott Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Emmi Greer Make Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Eric Ching Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Erin Leckenby Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $1,500
Ethan Maier Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Evan Gandy Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Francis Dot Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Fred Ingram Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Fuchsia Lin Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Gabii Luscher Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Gwyneth Manley Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Haley Jensen Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Hannah Tate Build Music Multnomah County $1,500
Hisham  Mayet Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Hobbs Waters Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Holly Haney Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Ilknur Demirkoparan Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Isabella Cassini Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Isaka Shamsud-Din Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Ivan McClellan Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
jade novarino Make Social Practice Clackamas County $3,000
Jake Dalton Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
James Enos Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Jamie Thrower Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Jane Pagliarulo Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Janelle Lassalle Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Jason Weed Learn Multi-Discipline Washington County $3,000
Jasonica Moore Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Jeff Mandel Learn Folk Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Jeffrey Aldrich Make Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Jenn Grinels Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Jennifer Swanson Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Jennifer Lin Learn Theatre Multnomah County $3,000
Jennifer Lanier Make Theatre Multnomah County $1,500
Jessica Daugherty Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Jingzi Zhao Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Joe Kye Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Joe X. Jiang Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Johanna Marks-McQuade Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Jordan McInroy-Edwards Build Music Washington County $3,000
Josh Cox Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
joshua kermiet Make Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Josie Seid Learn Theatre Washington County $1,500
Julia Mahncke Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Julie Kagawa Build Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Julli Krishcko Learn Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Kamryn Fall Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Karen Rycheck Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Karl Anderson Build Social Practice Multnomah County $1,500
Keeva Moselle Make Visual Arts Washington County $1,500
Kenji Bunch Make Music Clackamas County $3,000
kennedy barrera-cruz Make Media Arts Washington County $3,000
Kevin Dutton Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Kim Gumbel Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Kisha Jarrett Make Media Arts Washington County $3,000
Kyle Miller Make Media Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Laurel McLaughlin Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Lauren Modica Make Theatre Washington County $3,000
Lauren Moran Make Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Lawrence Johnson Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Layla Schubert Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Leslie Hickey Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Lindsay Clark Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Lisa Chang Build Dance/Movement Washington County $3,000
Lisa Radon Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Margaret Malone Make Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Marjorie Katz Make Music Multnomah County $1,500
Matt Leavitt Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Matthew Abadi Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Matthew Hayes Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Meg Hunt Learn Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Michael Jackson Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Michael Gamble Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Michaella Joseph Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Mick Hangland-Skill Build Visual Arts Clackamas County $3,000
Mieke Bruggeman Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Mo Phillips Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Myhraliza Aala Make Media Arts Washington County $3,000
Myla Sweet Build Media Arts Washington County $3,000
Nancy Ives Learn Music Multnomah County $1,500
Nat Hulskamp Learn Music Multnomah County $3,000
Nicole Williford Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Niema Lightseed Make Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Nonjabulo Proctor Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Olivia Awbrey Make Music Multnomah County $1,500
Omar Pleitez Make Other Multnomah County $3,000
Orquidia Velasquez Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Pablo Rivarola Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Pamela Santos Build Other Multnomah County $3,000
Paula Champagne Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Peter Knudsen Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Rachel Mossey Learn Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
randa benaziz Make Music Washington County $3,000
Ridwana Rahman Make Visual Arts Washington County $3,000
Rupert Kinnard Make Other Multnomah County $3,000
Ruth Jenkins Make Theatre Multnomah County $3,000
Sabina Haque Learn Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sabrina Spurlock Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sally Cleveland Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sam Wrigglesworth Learn Visual Arts Washington County $1,500
Samantha Springer Build Visual Arts Clackamas County $3,000
Santigie Fofana-Dura Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sara Thompson Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sasha Archibald Make Literature Multnomah County $1,500
Shane Koehler Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Shannon Amidon Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Shannon Carlson Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Shobha Jetmalani Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Shu-Ju Wang Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sienna Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sika Stanton Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Sophia Diaz Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Sora Shodo Make Visual Arts Clackamas County $3,000
Sweta Ravisankar Make Dance/Movement Washington County $3,000
Tamra MacKinnon Learn Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Tarin Jordan-Vandermast Build Media Arts Washington County $3,000
Taylor Allen Make Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Teresa Koberstein Build Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Thanh Vu Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Theresa Tran Learn Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Tie Li Make Visual Arts Clackamas County $3,000
Tiffany Kirkpatrick Make Other Multnomah County $3,000
Tim Connell Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Timothy Van Cleave Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Tonya Jones Make Literature Multnomah County $1,500
valë sanchez Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Wayne Bund Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Xochilt Ruvalcaba Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Yoonhee Choi Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Youree Sadberry Make Dance/Movement Multnomah County $3,000


Arts Organization Category Discipline County Award Amount
Aligned Artistry Build Other Washington County $1,500
Altar Build Other Multnomah County $3,000
ARTemis Arts Make Literature Multnomah County $3,000
Cathedral Park Performing Arts Collective Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Center for the Arts Foundation Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Crave Theatre Company Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Curvy Chic Closet Foundation Learn Theatre Washington County $1,500
Disability Art and Culture Project Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Diversity in Design Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
eqfoundations Build Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Flight 64 Printmaking Studio Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
homeroom labs LLC Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Indigenous Come Up Build Folk Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Kickstand Comedy Build Theatre Multnomah County $3,000
Montavilla Jazz Festival Learn Music Multnomah County $3,000
Moriviví Theatre Make Theatre Multnomah County $1,500
Mullowney Printing Company, LLC Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
NAFCON Oregon Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Network of Ensemble Theaters Build Theatre Multnomah County $3,000
OMPA Build Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
On the Inside Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
OPEN CLOUD, LLC Build Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Open Hearts Open Minds Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Oregon Botanical Artists Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $1,500
Performance Works NorthWest Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Piano. Push. Play. Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
Portland Chinatown History Foundation/Portland Chinatown Museum Make Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Portland in Color Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Portland Radio Project Build Music Multnomah County $3,000
Portland Textile Month Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
Public Annex Build Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
RASIKA Society for Arts of India Make Multi-Discipline Washington County $3,000
Rejoice Diaspora Dance Theater Make Dance/Movement Multnomah County $3,000
Reverie Frame Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
Rose City Brass Quintet Make Music Multnomah County $3,000
The Soul Box Project Make Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Steps for Youth Build Dance/Movement Multnomah County $3,000
Tempos Circus Build Dance/Movement Multnomah County $3,000
The Accountability Collective Learn Theatre Multnomah County $3,000
The Portland Stamp Company Build Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000
The Reframe Collective Build Multi-Discipline Multnomah County $3,000
The Theatre Company Make Theatre Multnomah County $3,000
The Village Gallery of Arts Build Visual Arts Washington County $3,000
Valley Art Association Build Visual Arts Washington County $3,000
We All Rise LLC Build Social Practice Multnomah County $3,000
Whorls of Wonder Puppet Theater Build Theatre Multnomah County $3,000
Willamette Light Brigade / Portland Winter Light Festival Make Media Arts Multnomah County $3,000
ZENA ZEZZA Make Visual Arts Multnomah County $3,000

2020-21 Make|Learn|Build Grants (Round 1)

RACC’s Make|Learn|Build Grant Program was designed to address the ways the arts community in the tri-county region needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artists, creatives, organizations, and businesses were awarded either $1,500 or $3,000 to make work, gain skills, or build up their arts business. The following 190 Make|Learn|Build Grants were awarded in May 2021 in Round 1 for a total of $535,500.


2020-21 Make|Learn|Build Grant awards (Round 1):

Applicant County Category Discipline Award Amount
Abby Castillo Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Aileen Sheedy Multnomah Make Media Arts $1,500
Aja Ngo Multnomah Learn Visual Arts $1,500
Alexander Milsted Multnomah Build Music $3,000
Alison Heryer Multnomah Build Theatre $3,000
Alison Jean Cole Multnomah Build Other $1,500
Allie Sullberg Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Alyson Provax Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Amanda Richards Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Amanda Triplett Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Anca Hariton Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Anchitta Noowong Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Ang Sherpa Multnomah Make Folk Arts $3,000
Belise Nishimwe Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Benjamin Mefford Clackamas Make Visual Arts $3,000
Beth Bundy Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Bianca Pettinari Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Brian Padian Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Cassandra Walters Multnomah Make Visual Arts $1,500
Chamisa Kellogg Multnomah Learn Media Arts $1,500
Charity E. Yoro Washington Make Literature $3,000
Charlie Porter Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Cheri Clark Multnomah Build Other $3,000
Chliu-Mie Wu Multnomah Build Media Arts $3,000
Christopher Creath Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $1,500
Chuck Israels Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Courtney Knight Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Crystal  Sasaki Multnomah Learn Dance/Movement $3,000
Damon Smyth Washington Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
Daniela Naomi Molnar Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Daren Todd Clackamas Build Visual Arts $3,000
Darrell Grant Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Debbie Baxter Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Ebenezer Galluzzo Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Elijah Hasan Multnomah Build Media Arts $3,000
Elise Wagner Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Elizabeth Dye Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Emma Josephson Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Erica Compere Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
Erika Dean Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Erika Rier Multnomah Make Visual Arts $1,500
Erinn Kathryn Hatter Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Evan Simko Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Ezra Weiss Washington Build Music $3,000
Francene Levinson Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Freddy Vilches Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
George Colligan Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Gilly Ann Hanner Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Hannah Hefner Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Howard Mitchell Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Jake Capistran Multnomah Build Music $3,000
Jason Okamoto Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
Jayanthi Raman Washington Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Jaz Williams Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Jea Alford Multnomah Make Social Practice $1,500
Jeff Tuyay Multnomah Build Media Arts $3,000
Jeffrey Chilton Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Jennifer Dynes Multnomah Learn Music $1,500
Jennifer Perrine Clackamas Make Literature $3,000
Jennifer Rabin Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Jessica Mehta Washington Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Jessica Yen Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Joah Keller Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Joanie Fox Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Joi Johnson Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Joni Whitworth Multnomah Learn Multi-Discipline $3,000
Jordan Chesnut Multnomah Make Literature $1,500
Jordan Vale Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Joshua Rivera Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Julia Bray Multnomah Make Theatre $1,500
Julian Saporiti Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
Julie Hammond Multnomah Make Theatre $3,000
Julie Keefe Multnomah Make Social Practice $3,000
Justin Ralls Multnomah Make Other $3,000
Karina Lomelin Ripper Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Kate Ristau Washington Make Literature $3,000
Kelda Van Patten Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Kelly Fry Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Kelly Rasmussen Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Kendall Cottrell Washington Make Visual Arts $3,000
Kerry Politzer Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Kevin Smith Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Lawson Rogers Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Leslie Barnum Clackamas Build Visual Arts $3,000
Lillyanne Pham Multnomah Make Social Practice $3,000
Limei Lai Multnomah Make Visual Arts $1,500
Linda Dalal Sawaya Multnomah Learn Visual Arts $3,000
Liz Yerby Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Lucy Cotter Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $1,500
M Prull Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Mackenzie Dineen Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Madeline Mitchell Clackamas Build Visual Arts $3,000
Madison Hughes Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Mami Takahashi Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $1,500
Mariana Tres Multnomah Learn Visual Arts $3,000
Marie Watt Multnomah Build Social Practice $3,000
Matt Alber Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Matt Blairstone Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
May Maylisa Cat Multnomah Learn Multi-Discipline $3,000
Megan Andricos Multnomah Build Music $3,000
Megan McGeorge Multnomah Build Music $3,000
Melody Erfani Multnomah Make Theatre $3,000
Micah The Rapper Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Michael Shymanski Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Monique Lincoln Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Nicolas Mendez Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Nicole Roberts Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Pamela Chipman Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Patricia Vazquez Gomez Multnomah Learn Multi-Discipline $1,500
Philip Pelletier Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
Porsche Ing Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
RaShaunda Brooks Multnomah Build Other $3,000
Remy Gates Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Rene Ormae-Jarmer Clackamas Make Music $3,000
Renée Muzquiz Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Rhys Thomas Multnomah Build Theatre $3,000
Rose Henry Jupiter Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Rubén García Marrufo Multnomah Build Media Arts $3,000
Ruth Nelson Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Salomée Souag Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Sarah Mirk Multnomah Build Literature $3,000
Sidra Morgan-Montoya Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $1,500
Simone Fischer Clackamas Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Sophie Lippert Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Susan Faust Multnomah Make Theatre $3,000
Talilo Marfil Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Tamara Lynne Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $1,500
Tammy Jo Wilson Clackamas Make Visual Arts $1,500
Thea Prieto Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Thérèse Murdza Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
TJ Thompson Multnomah Learn Music $1,500
Tomas Cotik Multnomah Build Music $3,000
Valerie Peterson Multnomah Build Media Arts $3,000
Woodrow Hunt Multnomah Make Media Arts $3,000
Yolanda Valdés Rementería Washington Make Visual Arts $1,500
yue zhou Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
1 World Chorus Clackamas Build Media Arts $3,000
Airlie Press Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Alberta Abbey Foundation Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
All Classical Portland Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Allen Performing Arts Inc. Multnomah Make Theatre $3,000
ARC in Movement LLC Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
Art in Oregon Clackamas Build Visual Arts $1,500
Artback Clackamas Make Visual Arts $3,000
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon Multnomah Learn Social Practice $3,000
A-WOL Dance Collective Multnomah Build Dance/Movement $3,000
Big Mouth Society Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Blackfish Gallery Multnomah Learn Multi-Discipline $3,000
Choral Arts Ensemble of Portland Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Circle Community Dance & Wellness Clackamas Build Dance/Movement $3,000
Flock Dance Center Multnomah Build Dance/Movement $3,000
Fonograf Editions Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Fuller Rosen Gallery Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
Fuse Theatre Ensemble Multnomah Make Theatre $3,000
Gather:Make:Shelter Multnomah Build Social Practice $3,000
Guardians of the Vibe Multnomah Build Social Practice $3,000
Guild of Oregon Woodworkers Multnomah Build Other $1,500
Heidi Duckler Dance/Northwest Multnomah Make Dance/Movement $3,000
HOLDING Contemporary Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Mask & Mirror Community Theatre Washington Build Theatre $3,000
Musicians In Solidarity Multnomah Build Music $3,000
North Pole Studio Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Oregon Arts Watch Multnomah Build Other $3,000
Oregon Koto-Kai Multnomah Build Music $3,000
Oregon Society of Artists Multnomah Build Visual Arts $3,000
Original Practice Shakespeare Festival Multnomah Learn Theatre $3,000
Orlo Multnomah Make Literature $3,000
Our Bold Voices Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Peruvian Cultural Festival And Events Washington Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
Portland Actors Ensemble Multnomah Learn Theatre $3,000
Portland Area Theatre Alliance Multnomah Learn Theatre $3,000
Portland Latin American Film Festival Multnomah Make Visual Arts $3,000
push/FOLD Multnomah Make Dance/Movement $3,000
Renegade Opera Multnomah Make Music $3,000
Rock Dojo Multnomah Learn Music $3,000
Siren Nation Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
St. Johns Comedy Festival – Curious Comedy Theater Multnomah Make Theatre $3,000
STAGES Performing Arts Youth Academy Washington Build Visual Arts $3,000
Stumptown Stages Clackamas Make Theatre $1,500
Takohachi Multnomah Make Other $3,000
The City Repair Project Multnomah Make Multi-Discipline $3,000
The Immigrant Story Washington Build Media Arts $3,000
The Old Church Society, Inc. Multnomah Build Music $3,000
Theatre Diaspora Multnomah Make Theatre $3,000
Vibe of Portland Multnomah Learn Multi-Discipline $3,000
We Belong PDX Multnomah Learn Visual Arts $3,000
WildCraft Studio Multnomah Build Multi-Discipline $3,000
X Gallery Art Storage Multnomah Build Other $3,000
XRAY.FM Multnomah Build Media Arts $3,000
Youth Music Project Clackamas Build Music $3,000

Catalyst Grants support local artists

Every year, RACC invests hundreds of thousands of dollars through Project Grants to support the creation or presentation of performances, exhibits, and other publicly accessible creative endeavors.

RACC Catalyst Grantee and Filmmaker Kanani Koster

In 2019, RACC created a special category of Project Grants specifically designed for applicants who have never before received a RACC grant. The new Catalyst Grant features a shorter and simpler application, with awards fixed at $3,000 each. These grants also come with enhanced RACC staff support to help recipients with grant administration.

Last fiscal year Catalyst Grants provided 75 first-time awardees with $225,000 in funding. We’ve received feedback from Catalyst grantees that this first experience with RACC has helped them successfully apply for other RACC grants and build their grant writing skills. Additional flexibility and support during this pandemic has also been invaluable.

In their own words, learn more about three of last year’s amazing Catalyst Grantees: filmmaker Kanani Koster, painter Ameera Saahir, and DJ and speaker designer Michael Davis-Yates.


Award-winning filmmaker Kanani Koster

“I’m a Hapa director, filmmaker, AD, and producer here in Portland. My pronouns are she, her. Hapa is Pigeon or Hawaiian for half. I’m Japanese-Hawaiian and white. That is a big part of the work that I make in a lot of different ways. I have been living in Portland for the last year and a half. Moving to Portland was the main thing that’s driven my career forward! I lived in Seattle beforehand and felt stunted and didn’t feel connected to the community. The second my partner and I landed in Portland, I started getting jobs. I started meeting the coolest people here who were supportive and excited to work on my projects and excited to have me on to help with theirs. That’s meant a lot to me. I find it essential to bring BIPOC people onto my projects and working with women-identifying people because the set is different when you have a nice mix of everyone coming together. When I was younger and middle and high school, I took a lot of film production classes. I remember I enjoyed the classes at first but eventually got frustrated. Many girls were doing those types of courses because many of the dudes would do all my work for me. They said, ‘Oh, I’m going to help you out here — you can be in front of the camera. Well, honestly, I hate being in front of a lens! I’ve always loved period pieces, mostly old westerns, but I loathe watching them because John Wayne and all these old white cowboys are unappealing to me. But I love the imagery. I love the aesthetic of it. I love the idea of what the Old West was because it was such a diverse time. You know, we had many people of color who were building our nation up. I’m filming my own stories now. ” — filmmaker Kanani Koster.

Her Catalyst Grant supported her work reclaiming nostalgic film tropes and aesthetics for diverse audience members who’ve historically been left off-screen. She is the director of the award winning short, The New Frontier, and the docu-short, Any Oregon Sunday.


Painter and business owner Ameera Saahir

“My name is Ameera Saahir. I recently turned 74. I’m an African American woman, highly educated, I grew up in southwest Portland and was gentrified to southeast Portland; been here 16 years. I’m an artist and business owner. I was looking into my ancestry. That’s where the idea came up for the show that the Regional Arts and Culture Council funded. I’ve always captured stories and ideas. I found out from talking to family members that we have a narrative that has been circulating within our family at the family reunion. I took that information, the story, and I modeled my art exhibit after the milestones that the narrator had left for us. I took our family and I put it into historical references. Then I started looking into the story of the African migration. I’m from a large family. I saw family members becoming homeless, and I was like…oh, no. My own sister was living in terrible transitional housing; it became personal. I went backward instead of going forwards, and I traced through that story, and I looked at the housing. It started in Africa. I made some paintings of housing. There’s a slave ship called Minerva in my family history story. The woman who was captured and enslaved and brought here from Africa, well, her name was Minerva Jane. In my research, I learned—and I went, it took me months, but I traced it back—that was the name of the slave ship. That’s where our story begins. I have the narrative. I found records of the ship that carried my ancestors.” — Painter Ameera Saahir

Her Catalyst Grant supported the creation of a series of paintings called “Uninhabitable Living Conditions”. The pieces connect historical images of slave ships and sharecropping with transitional housing for African Americans.


DJ and speaker designer Michael Davis-Yates

“As a kid, I was kind of an oddball nerd, and I spent a lot of time alone as an only child, even though I had pretty hardcore group of friends in my neighborhood. I always found time for myself to find things out by breaking electronics by accident and then taking them apart with a screwdriver to see what was inside. Junior High was a big one; I blew up my first speaker with too much power from an amplifier. The smell of the electronic smoking and the impact of the driver blowing out was pretty cool. I wanted to know more, and I kept with it. Yeah, I’m a huge nerd. I still keep a day job, which was heavily brought to me due to Cstm Math and my speaker building. It all turned into a portfolio. Now I’m working for a company that I’ve been with for about four years that’s in Portland. We build studio monitor speakers for professional recording studios. That takes up a lot of my time. I’ve been DJing at night and on weekends (until COVID hit). Now I’ve gotten a lot more time to focus back into things and realizing that there is no rush. The ideas are there and working on them and making them better has been a great asset to me. I’m making speakers and boomboxes. A lot of my boombox work now has been based around vector recreations of retro boomboxes, or imagination stuff that pops out. I work with plywood mostly. Laminated plywood is my favorite thing to work with, stacking the layers of Baltic birch to get a really cool edge effect. My biggest dream would be chilling somewhere, in a small manufacturing shop, making stuff.” — DJ and speaker designer Michael Davis-Yates.

His Catalyst Grant was for “Custom Mathematics”, a series of speakers he designed and hand-built from the ground up, inspired by teachings from the Nation of Islam as well as the spirit of classic vintage boomboxes.


Check out more stories about local artists, and see these ones, on RACC’s Instagram and Facebook pages.