

The RACC Announcement page consists of all entries which RACC posts on its website on a daily basis – including all current opportunities like grants, open positions, calls to artists, etc. Other entries might include important media stories on the arts, advocacy alerts, or general news from the art community.

To submit a listing, please follow the link to Submit a Community Listing.

Entries below are listed in date posted order, starting with the most recent.

David Morrison responds

David Morrison (Candidate for Portland Commissioner, Position 1) responded March 23, 2016: (1) In what specific ways have you supported arts and culture in Portland? I subsidized partial rent for the Portland Playhouse for 5 years until they bought the building.  I hosted Cygnet Productions Plays in my book store when it was located on […]

Every Portland elementary school now has an arts teacher, thanks to the arts tax

Find stories about the impact of the tax online in April at #pdxlovesart PORTLAND, ORE —In November 2012, 63% of Portland voters overwhelmingly passed Ballot Measure 26-146 to create the Arts Education & Access Fund, now known as the “arts tax.” The tax directly funds 72 K-5, music, dance and visual art teachers in the […]

RACC will deliver its “State of the Arts” report on April 21

On Thursday, April 21st at 2:00 p.m., arts advocates will gather at Portland City Hall for RACC’s annual “State of the Arts” presentation to Portland City Council. The event is designed to demonstrate the impacts of the city’s investments in arts and culture through RACC. The event is free and open to the public, and […]

Eight company bands head to Battle on May 12

Preparations are underway for our first annual Battle of the Bands, a celebration of employee creativity and a benefit for Work for Art! The event takes place Thursday, May 12 at the Crystal Ballroom. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and the competition begins at 7:00. Eight employee bands, sponsored by their companies, are currently […]

First Thursday Night Lights

Thirteen multidisciplinary artists enrolled in the University of Oregon’s BFA Digital Arts program in Portland, Oregon who call themselves Sunny Side Up, will project their work for the April 7, 2016, First Thursday Night Lights. Their work spans several medias, including graphic design, illustration, programming, animation, interactive design, photography, drawing, installation and beyond. They say, […]

It’s Advocacy Season!

Eloise’s Blog: Clearly spring is here and with its glorious arrival come our annual rounds of budget advocacy. Over the past five months a highly convincing group of arts leaders and advocates from the private sector, ably led by Chris Coleman, has visited with Mayor Hales, Commissioners Fish, Novick, Fritz and Saltzman as well as […]

A tax you can feel good about

Now in its third year, the Arts Education and Access Fund has put an arts teacher back in every Portland elementary school and is transforming the way arts organizations serve our community.  by Claire Willett At right: Sitton Elementary in St. Johns didn’t have a full-time arts specialist before the arts tax. Now students receive […]