Public Art

River Miles I by James Lavadour (Oil on Paper)

The region’s public art enlivens urban and rural landscapes and promotes dialogue among people of all ages and backgrounds. Through a variety of public-private partnerships, RACC helps acquire and maintain community-owned artworks in public places. A Public Art Advisory Committee oversees RACC’s public art program, which is among the oldest and most highly regarded public art programs in the country.

Capturing the Moment – Call to Portland Artists and Creatives

Interpretation services available, email Servicio de interpretación disponible   |  Предоставляются услуги переводчика   |   Có dịch vụ thông dịch   |   通訳サービスあり Application window closed Monday, Oct. 26. Artists are essential. In times of crisis, artists […]

Support Beam artists announced

by Morgan Ritter, Support Beam Project Manager, Public Art Exhibitions & Collections Coordinator Support Beam intends to strengthen artists towards a long-term re-imagination and multi-pronged activation of their work, with no restrictions on media. Participating […]

Time for Review of Public Art

The toppling of the statue of George Washington on June 18, 2020, is part of our critical national conversation about systemic racism and injustice. Portland is part of this conversation as people examine the point […]

New Public Art COVID-19 Relief Opportunities

In our continued response to individual artists and creative workers impacted by COVID-19, we have two new public art calls opportunities: a direct purchase of artwork for The Visual Chronicle of Portland and Support Beam, an initiative to commission emerging visual […]